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How to Keep Your Mind Healthy ,Active And Sharp

How to Keep Your Mind Healthy ,Active And Sharp

Keep your mind busy in some useful and interesting activities.

Breakfast:This is the important meal of all the day that keep you healthy not physically but also mentally.

Playing sports like tennis ,football ,golf etc also keep your mind healthy and fit.

Reading books ,magazines,novel etc increases your knowledge and broad your mind.

Eating fresh and healthy food and fruit is also good.

Playing games are also sharp your mind.

Try to do some activities that help to sharp your mind =>

Like :

Playing game ,action ,puzzle ,crossword,hidden object etc.

Try to solve online Test Like I.Q Test , General Knowledge and others.

Try to do something different and unique that makes your thinking power more better.

Try to keep your mind busy in Useful activities.

Try to solve puzzle .

Try to solve and find crossword  or jumble word.

Try to remember old memories that makes your long term memory sharp and healthy.

Other Activities:

You should try to solve your daily problem with different strategies.

Avoiding the calculator for simple arithmetic is one way to exercise your mind.

 Play Scrabble with friends in person or play online. Scrabble is a great way to get your brain  thinking.

Playing Some sports is also healthy activity for your brain.

Try to complete your daily routine work more quick and  with better results.