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Find Differences, IF You Are a Genius

Find Differences ....A Challenge Task

Let's Start:
Look At the picture below carefully and Find out the differences between Left side and Right side  
Game Rule:
=>Position Holders According to Performance:
=>Note:It's about 20 differences in this picture:
so if you find out:
20/20 differences then your are Genius.
else if you find out:
18/20 differences  then excellent.
else if you find out:
15/20 differences  then very good.
else if you find out:
less than 15 differences  then your performance is good.
else if you find out:
10 differences  then your performance is normal.
your performance is poor.

 So hurry up Let's Start to Find the Differences

Advantages of This Activity?

This is the popular game that is also called hidden object games that actually design to increase your searching power.In this activity you can carefully understand the concept of searching power.Searching things or objects is not a common work that require a lot of things to keep in your mind .So, while in searching or finding the difference you should clear your focus on the object that is possibly available in a given picture.So, this is a positive exercise in which  you focus all the things that are shown in a given puzzle or picture.In this activity you can easily find out the changes that occur time to time ,it also increases your power to notify the differences or changes  in also daily life .

Why I Do this Activity?
I am sure you have a lot of question in your mind to do this activity but why this activity is necessary?

Because this is best activities that helps you to check your talent or searching power to identify the differences,so this activity also helps you to understand the concept of finding differences.If you identify the more differences then your searching power or finding power is excellent and if you fail to find the enough differences then your finding power is poor .And if your finding power is not good,so don't worry about this .Read the next Label
HOW To Increase Your Searching Or Finding Objects Power?
Don't worry about that because the best and the easiest solution to solve  this problem is to try  practice to solve this type problem on daily basis.If you  try daily to solve such like activities then it increases your finding power.Try to play such type of games that gives you such type of tasks like find hidden objects or finding the item in specified list ,so keep doing such type of exercises daily that also help you to increase your performance in such tasks.
Is This Useful in Real Life?
If you have this question in your mind then my answer is yes but How?
If you practice such type of test like finding objects or finding differences so here i am telling you some activity that gives a positive response in your daily life.Like, most of us cannot find their things like keys , TV remote ,books ,papers and other things ,that is the real problem we face in everyday life ,so keep solving such type of exercise increases your finding power that helps you to solve such type of problems in your daily routine.Second advantage  of this exercise is that you can easily find out the changes in behaviour  of your friends ,family, and even parents can easily find out the behavioural changes in their children.

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