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Interesting General Knowledge Question & Answer

Interesting General Knowledge

Q 1:Who discover oxygen?
Q 2:Which scientist discover DNA?
Q 3: Which is the fourth most intelligent animal in the world.
Q 4:In which country chess was invent?
Q 5:Dragonfly Eye contains how many  lenses?
Q 6:Which insect is not sleep?
Q 7:A dolphin can hold its breath for how many minutes at a time?
Q 8:More than 1,000 different languages are spoken on which continent?
Q 9:Canada” is an Indian word what's its meaning ?
Q 10:What is the  percentage of left hand person in the world?

Q 1:Priestley
Q 2:Watson Crick
Q 3:Pig
Q 4:India
Q 5:30,000
Q 6:Ant
Q 7:5 to 8
Q 8:Africa
Q 9:"Big Village"

Q 10: 11%

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