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Top 10 Reasons Stop You From Making Money Online

You’ve heard enough about these phrases such as generate income on the entire globe wide web, how to earn cash, be your own boss and become a millionaire in no efforts and blah blah blah. I’ve heard and read about the same sentences in last 5 to Seven decades since I’m working on the entire globe wide web.
Image result for Top 10 Reasons Stop You From Making Money Online
Enough of that fuss, right? let’s have a closer look into a very different topic for nowadays which is “Top 10 Factors which Stop You From Creating Money Online” a total opposite of what I mentioned in the first paragraph.


Don’t get me wrong, but seriously, it’s a chance to realize the most important process of becoming successful either offline or on the entire globe wide web. There are some or many those who will not be able to generate income on the entire globe wide web if the are creating these reasons I’m mentioning below.

I’m not writing this post to discourage anyone. I’ll talk with facts, and the facts are from my personal experience over the past decade. I’ll clearly mention the factors that cause why many individuals will not generate income on the entire globe wide web.

The Possible Why you should Not Create Money
There are some GREAT reasons I’ll tell you which individuals create themselves for themselves to stop themselves from generating income on the entire globe wide web on the entire globe wide web. Yes, those reasons are genuine and need to be taken care of to make large cash on the entire globe wide web. Let’s have a quick look into these reasons.

#1 – The Quick way & The People
If ROME was built through a shortcut then I’d happily say that individuals will begin to make large and great cash on the entire globe wide web by using their wonderful and some ugly strategies. I mean, where in the entire globe I can discover a wonderful house to live via a shortcut. And where in the entire globe is a shortcut to reach London. People seriously need to think about getting rid of the strategies now. There is no shortcut towards a wonderful and constant future.

You’ll not generate income on the entire globe wide web if you are still using the “shortcut” trick.

#2 – Everyone is Not Serious
People are curios but not serious. Creating profits online is not a tale anymore, it requires serious attention. When I see those who want to earn cash, but still acting like a joker in comments on people’s status who already generate income on the entire globe wide web. Why don’t they seriously think to generate income on the entire globe wide web begin planning it from nowadays, online is full of unlimited resources. I mean, generating income online is a serious business.

You’ll not generate income on the entire globe wide web if you are not serious about it.

#3 – Absence of Passion
There was an extensive interest behind the invention of the computer which I’m using right now to show you my this writing. And there was an excellent interest behind the “electricity” I’m using right now at late night to show my this piece. I was enthusiastic enough to modify my lifestyle through the entire globe wide web. And interest comes from within yourself, it’s not something you can borrow or buy. Passion is the second name of achievements before the actual achievements on the ground.

You’ll not generate income on the entire globe wide web if you are not enthusiastic enough.

#4 – Absence of Information & Skills
The most powerful weapon in the modern globe is knowledge. The more knowledge you get, the more will be chances to generate income on the entire globe wide web. Don’t get me wrong, but you need some terrific abilities and information about the fact you are going to use in purchase to generate income on the entire globe wide web on the entire globe wide web. Hint: Internet is full of abilities and data.

You’ll not generate income on the entire globe wide web if you don’t have sufficient abilities and data.

#5 – Inconsistency in Performance
In my early on the entire globe wide web days, I was able to create a number of individuals ready for generating income on the entire globe wide web. And they made some smart income within a few months of your time. After that, they went to sleep and waited for more income to come automatically to their pockets. And then they disappeared not only from the web but also from my lifestyle  🙂 that’s why one needs to keep the consistency to make more and more and more cash on the entire globe wide web.

You’ll not generate income on the entire globe wide web, if you are not consistent in what you are doing.

#6 – Absence of Patience
Patience is the most important addiction in on the entire globe wide web earning. If you are lacking tolerance then don’t anticipate large and great cash. I myself dived into the entire globe wide web during 2009, and you know what, I’m still active like day one but with tolerance. I always run in the race like the “Turtle“, and I know the tolerance will soon pay off.

You’ll not make decent cash on the entire globe wide web if you don’t have the addiction of tolerance.

#7 – Too Much Expectations
I began getting achievements the day I decided to not anticipate from individuals. I mean you’ll never make the unexpected happens if you anticipate that from other individuals. For example, you have paused a project or something that you anticipate somebody else will come to you and will move it forward; seriously, it’s a big laugh. You should discover ways to do it yourself and never ever anticipate other individuals to do it for you. Partnership is a different factor though.

You’ll not generate income on the entire globe wide web if you anticipate too much from others.

#8 – No Obvious Direction or Goal
When I have conversation with individuals, they usually ask me what they should do? I never understood this query. I mean why should individuals ask others about what to do? if you ask me a specific query like what you should do in Pattaya or New York then I’ll be able to answer because I already have been to these places. But if you ask me a stupid query like what you should do in your lifestyle then I’ll have no answer to that.

You must be able to think and decide what you should do in your lifestyle, you have brain, you have mind, you have online to research and everything which can you help you decide what you should do in your lifestyle. Do what you love and clearly discover your way and objective.

You’ll not generate income on the entire globe wide web if you don’t have a specific path or objective.

#9 – No Values – No Rules
When I began generating income on the entire globe wide web returning in 2010, I was contacted by a person from London via email, he said I’ve duplicated one of their articles and have published on my blog (Though, I had duplicated it from Wikipedia). He mentioned in the email, if I did not remove the content, he’ll report me to Google and my Adsense account will be banned.

I immediately removed the content, and began researching about this copyright factor, I never know such factor exist in the entire globe. But it took me 3 to 4 months to fully understand about copyrights and ip rights. And since then I’ve set the ethics and guidelines for my on the entire globe wide web presence and that includes not to copy, not to use pirate tools or software and above that not to do any illegal or unethical factor on the entire globe wide web. And nowadays I’m happy with the guidelines and ethics I had set returning in 2010.

You’ll not are excellent cash on the entire globe wide web if you have no ethics and no guidelines.

#10 – Doing Too Many Things
Back in the days when I began learning computer and online. It was easy to engage in more than a dozen on the entire globe wide web factors at once. The reason was simple, factors would not move too quickly. For example, the Windows XP had a reliable version for several decades. And the Search engine engine never modified its algorithms in Several decades of your time.

However, nowadays the entire globe is different. Things get updated and alter dramatically. You have learned a skill tonight, and tomorrow that’s expired or no more useful. This is the reason why you must keep your concentration on the only factors you are capable of doing, and which you love the most. Do a very important factor properly and professionally instead of doing 20 factors poorly. This is the achievements formula in the modern globe we live in nowadays.

For example, I began with web growth, online marketing, SEO, Writing a blog, YouTube, Graphic Developing, Web Developing and so many other stuff returning during 2009. In those days, I was successful even with all of these subjects, but eventually I had to get rid of Graphics, Web Developing and eventually I had to left Web Development. Now, my focus is only on marketing and blogging.

You’ll not make large cash if you are not doing appropriate at the perfect time.

The Bottom Line
I have honestly explained the causes which cause the gap between you and the cash on the entire globe wide web. If you really want to generate income on the entire globe wide web and then create a little improvement in the entire globe, the little distinction will improve your lifestyle forever. Don’t go for BIG factors, think big but begin with a little step, and you’ll reach the destination you have in mind. Don’t care about what individuals say about you, focus on your main objective and get it done.

I made a really little distinction, and that modified my lifestyle. I contributed very minute web growth an internet-based teaching, and that modified me financially, physically and emotionally. You should have what you can do and contribute to, everything you do is a contribution. Find your main objective and then ensure it is a reality.

I did nothing in 2015 except visiting a few countries for tourism, and earned One Crore in One Year. That was because of the work I previously had done and which paid off later.

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