HTML Frames
What is Frame?
A frame is a container window that can display a web page. A web page may consist of many frames.Each frame inbrowser window can display different web pages.Many web pages can be displayed at the same time by using frames.
Frame is used to break the web page into different sections. These sections work independently but appear simultaneously in the browser.Frames were first introduced with Netscape Navigator
2.0 ,they are accepted widely by most of the browsers.
The frames are used for site navigation:
1.The title frame appears at the top of the webpage.
2.The navigational frame appears on the left side of the webpage.
3.The contents frame appears on the remaining part of the webpage.
Advantages of Frames
The following of frames are as follows:1.The frames allow to keep one part of page static and change the other parts
2.The frames can be used to display multiple pages in the same browser.
3.Frames can be used to reduce the load on server because all pages are not reloaded when a new page is visited.
4.Frames can provide a navigational tool if they are used properly.
Disadvantages of Frames
The disadvantages of frames are as follows:1.Search engines do not index the web pages with frames.
2.It is difficult to print the content of all frames as compared to a normal web page.
3.Most browsers do not allow to bookmark an individual frame page.