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MCQS English Literature

MCQS English Literature

MCQS English Literature

1. Which poem ends ‘I shall but love thee better after death’?
 a. How do I love thee
b. Ode to a Grecian urn
 c. In faith I do not love thee with mine eyes
 d. Let me not to the marriage of true minds
2. Which poet is considered a national hero in Greece?
 a. John keats
 b. Lord Byron
c. Solan
d. Sappho
3. Which kind of poem is Edward Lear associated with?
 a. Nature
b. Epics
c. Sonnets
d. Nonsense
4. In coleridge’s poem ‘The rime of the Ancient Mariner’where were the three gallants going?
a. A funeral
b. A wedding
c. Market
d. To the races
5. Harold Nicholson described which poet as ‘Very yellow and glum. Perfect manners’?
a. e. e. Cummings
b. T. S. Elliot
c. John Greenleaf Whittier
d. Walt Whitman
6. What was strange about Emily Dickinson?
a. She rarely left home
b. She wrote in code
c. She never attempted to publish her poetry
d. She wrote her poems in invisible ink
7. Rupert Brooke wrote his poetry during which conflict?
a. Boer War
b. Second World War
c. Korean War
d. First World War
8. Which Poet Laureate wrote about a church mouse?
a. Betjeman
b. Hughes
c. Marvel
d. Larkin
9. Which American writer published ‘A brave and startling truth’ in 1996
a. Robert Hass
b. Jessica Hagdorn
c. Maya Angelou
d. Micheal Palmer
10. Who wrote about the idyllic ‘Isle of Innisfree’?
a. Dylan Thomas
b. Ezra Pound
c. W. B. Yeats
d. e. e. cummings
11. A pattern of accented and unaccented syllables in lines of poetry
1. rhyme scheme
2. meter
3. alliteration
12. The repetition of similar ending sounds
1. alliteration
2. onomatopoiea
3. rhyme
13. Applying human qualities to non-human things
1. personification
2. onomatopoeia
3. alliteration
14. The repetition of beginning consonant sounds
1. rhyme
2. onomatopoeia
3. alliteration
15. A comparison of unlike things without using a word of comparison such as like or as
1. metaphor
2. simile
3. personification
16. The comparison of unlike things using the words like or as
1. metaphor
2. simile
3. personification
17. Using words or letters to imitate sounds
1. alliteration
2. simile
3. onomatopoeia
18. a description that appeals to one of the five senses
1. imagery
2. personification
3. metaphor
19. A poem that tells a story with plot, setting, and characters
1. lyric
2. free verse
3. narrative
20. A poem with no meter or rhyme
1. lyric
2. free verse
3. narrative
21. A poem that generally has meter and rhyme
1. lyric
2. free verse
3. narrative
22. Sylvia Plath married which English poet?
a. Masefield
b. Causley
c. Hughes
d. Larkin
23. Carl Sandburg ‘Planked whitefish’ contains what kind of imagery?
a. Sea scenes
b. Rural Idyll
c. War d. Innocent childhood
24. Which influential American poet was born in Long Island in 1819?
a. Emily Dickinson
b. Paul Dunbar
c. John Greenleaf Whittier
d. Walt Whitman
25. In 1960 ‘The Colossus’ was the first book of poems published by which poetess?
a. Elizabeth Bishop
b. Sylvia Plath
c. Marianne Moore
d. Laura Jackson