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Everyday Science Exercise 1 (Physical Properties)

Everyday Science Exercise 1 (Physical Properties)

  • Theory of mutation was propounded by Hygo de Vries
  • A theory of acquired character was given by Lamark.
  • Charles Darwin is famous for his theory of struggle for existence and survival of the fittest.
  • Sigmund Freud is called as the father of modern psychiatry and psychology.
  • Energy stored in stretched spring is Elastic Potential energy
  • Energy stored in fossil fuels is chemical energy
  • Radio waves are Electromagnetic waves
  • A.C voltage is analogue quantity
  • Optical fibers work on polarization of electromagnetic waves
  • Condenser is used to collect the charge
  • In diesel engine ignition takes place by compression
  • A radar uses radio waves to detect enemy aircraft
  • Law of floating bodies was given by Archimedes
  • Particle with +ve charge but mass equal to electron is positron
  • Nucleus of an atom has +ve charge.
  • Bosons are Photons and Mesons
  • There is no neutron in the atom of hydrogen
  • Quark is an atomic particle. Scientists think that proton and neutrons are themselves made of still smaller particles called quarks
  • Muttons are particles of atom
  • John Dalton, an English scientist, gave Atomic Theory in 1803 describing atom as the smallest unit of element
  • Gas in children’ s balloon is Helium
  • Weight of electron = 9.1 x 10 power -31 kg
  • Charge on electron = 1.6 x 10 power -19 coulomb
  • Weight of proton = 1.66 x 10 power -27 kg
  • Charge on proton = 1.6 x 10 power -19 coulomb
  • A proton is 1836 times heavier than an electron
  • Ordinarily and atom is a neutral particle
  • Ernest Rutherford, a New Zealander, in 1908 discovered Atomic Nucleus
  • Speed of sound is faster in hot air than in cold air
  • Ultrasonic are sound waves of high frequency = 12000 cycles/sec and higher

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