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General Knowledge Facts About Human Body For FPSC, PPSC, NTS, CSS And Various Exams Part 6

General Knowledge Facts About Human Body For FPSC, PPSC, NTS, CSS  And Various Exams Part 6

General Knowledge For FPSC, PPSC, NTS, CSS 

And Various Exams  

(Facts About Human Body) 

Part 6

  • The movement of food through esophagus is by the muscular action known as: peristaltic
  • In the human body what is replaced every three months Eyelashes
  • Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing
  • The thickness of your skin varies from 1/2 to 6 millimeters, depending on the area of your body
  • The temperature of the dead human body on Celsius scale is 25 c normal room temperature
  • Where in your body is the labyrinth- Ear
  • What does a hypodermic literally mean-Under skin
  • In the body where would you find your villus Small Intestine
  • Where is the dirtiest skin on your body- The face
  • The number of the spinal nerves in the man Is 31 pairs.
  • Part of the human body can expand 20 times its normal size:
  • Stomach 0.5 litres to 5 litres
  • In the human body where is your occiput: Back of head
  • Central nervous system controls the reflex action in the body.
  • The terminal part of vertebral column in man is called Coceyx
  • The "Urinary system" of the body consists of 3 organs.
  • Haryersion canals are present in Bone.
  • The heart bear is initiated and regulated by nodal tissue made of specialized cardiac muscles called Purkinje tusse.
  • The gestation period of human being is Nine months.
  • The first heart sound is produced when Diastole begins.
  • Where would you find Lunate Triquetral and Hamate-Bones in Wrist
  • Which part of the human body contains the most gold: Toenails
  • In the body luteinizing hormone is produced by what gland Pituitary
  • Due to buffer system, human blood has a ph of 7.4.
  • The normal temperature of human body is 98.6 F.
  • Chemical elements most % human body O 65% C 18% and Hydrogen 10%
  • Cell membrane is made up of protein and lipid molecules forming a semi permeable membrane.
  • Carbohydrates in the cell are in from of glycogen.
  • An epithelium is a collection of cells.
  • Exoskeleton lies external to the muscles.
  • Exoskeleton is commonly found in anthropoids and mollusk.
  • Exoskeleton is composed of dead substances secreted by the cells.
  • Endoskeleton lies internal to muscles of the body. It is found in all vertebrates. It is formed of bones and cartilages.
  • Endoskeleton is composed of living cells.
  • Ear has 6 bones- Malleus bone (2), Incus bone (2) & stapes (2)
  • Human skull has 22 bones.
  • There are 26 vertebrae in the human body.
  • Total number of ribs are 24- True Ribs (14), False Ribs (6) and floating ribs (4)
  • Sternum is that bone where the ribs meet medially.
  • Collarbone are 2, Shoulder bone are 2.
  • Carpal bones are those bones, which form the wrist numbering 8.