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General Knowledge Facts About Human Body For FPSC, PPSC, NTS, CSS And Various Exams Part 7

General Knowledge Facts About Human Body For FPSC, PPSC, NTS, CSS  And Various Exams Part 7

General Knowledge For FPSC, PPSC, NTS, CSS 

And Various Exams  

(Facts About Human Body) 

Part 7

  • Small forearm bone is radius and main forearm bone is Ulna.
  • Humerus is upper arm bone.
  • Metacarpal bones are found in hand numbering 5.
  • Phalanges are small bones present in fingers also called digits
  • These are 14 in number.
  • Each leg is composed of 29 bones.
  • Tarsal bone is also known as the anklebone. These are seven in number.
  • Phalanges are toe bones numbering 14.
  • Vertebrae are 33 in number. Vertebral column covers spinal cord and protects it from injury.
  • Clavicle bones are also known as collarbones. These are two bones.
  • Scapula is called shoulder bones.
  • Sternum is called chest bone.
  • Patella acts like a kneecap and protects the knee joint.
  • Tibia is the main large bone of the lower leg also known as calf bone.
  • Fibula is the smaller part of lower leg.
  • Femur bears the weight of the body. It is in upper leg.
  • Muscles are composed of threadlike protein structure called my ofibril.
  • The cardiac muscle continues to contract rhythmically even when it is disconnected from the nervous system.
  • Trapizius muscle is responsible for movement of shoulder.
  • Sternocleidomastoid muscle is the longest muscle of the body
  • It bends head and neck.
  • Brachialis anticus muscle is responsible for bending forearm to the upper arm.
  • Heart is enclosed in a tough membrane called Pericardium.
  • There are four chambers of heart.
  • Heart is surrounded by a fluid called as pericardial fluid.
  • The weight of the heart in females is 25% lesser than in males
  • Excitability and contractility of the heart id due to the presence of myofibrils of actin and myosin.
  • Purkinjee fibres are tissues of heart.
  • S.A Node and A.V Node are special conducting tissues of the heart.
  • S.A. Node was discovered by Keith and Flack in 1907.
  • A.V Node functions as Pacemaker.
  • Right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from body collected by Superior Vena Cava from head and upper parts while from the lower parts by inferior vena cava.
  • Right atrium opens into right ventricle through right atrioventricular aperture guarded by bicuspid valve allowing one-way flow of blood.
  • When right ventricle contracts, the blood is pushed by the way of pulmonary arteries to the lungs for oxygenation.
  • The left atrium is that chamber which receives the oxygenated blood from lungs by pulmonary veins.
  • Left atrium opens into left ventricle from there blood is pumped into aorta, which distributes blood to body.
  • Cardiac cycle consists of three events- Auricular Systole,
  • Ventricular Systole and Diastole.
  • Each cardiac cycle takes 0.8 seconds.
  • Aorta is the largest vessel of the body.
  • The biggest artery is aorta with a diameter of one inch.