At room temperature most elements are solids but a number are gases like oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, helium and neon and only two are liquids like mercury and bromine.
Gold rarely combine with other metals and fluorine is highly reactive
Diamond and graphite are allotropes of carbon
Hjeating coal without air produce coke which is used to make steel
Bitumen (damber) is used for surfacing roads comes from coal
Isotopes are same chemicals but with different physical properties
Aircrafts are made of aluminum alloys.
Chemical used in bettery cells is electrolyte
Sulphuric acid is used in batteries as electrolyte
In alkalin battery Anode = Zinc powder mixed with electrolyte and Cathode = manganese compound mixed with electrolyte
Anode = negative terminal and Cathode = positive terminal
Votalic Pile was the first battery made in 1799
Fuel cells make electricity using hydrogen as a fuel
Almost all explosives contain nitrogen. Nitrogen compound
Ammonia is the starting point of several explosives.
Calcium is a metal found in chalk, limestone and marble in the form of Calcium Carbonate
Beryllium is used to make cutting tools where it is important to avoid spark
Minerals containing beryllium don’t show up on x-rays, and are used for the windows of x-ray machines
Magnesium is present in chlorophyll
Sulphur dioxide is not an odorless gas
Glass is soluble in Aqua Reggie
Fuel in an automobile is a mixture of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons
Power of alcohol is methyl and petrol
Lead is used in batteries
The odour of garlic is due to a Sulphuric compound
Cabbage contains sulphur
The strongest known acid is an 80% solution of antimony pentafluoride in hydrofluoriv acid.
Saffron is used to color fabrics. Cochineal red is a dye extracted from insects.
Crude oil and natural gas are made mostly from hydrocarbons.
When they burn CO2 is released into atmosphere
Synthetic fibers are mostly plastics make from petroleum chemicals.
Lime is sometimes applied to soil in order to increase the alkalinity of the soil
BHCC Benzene Hex chloride is used for killing for insects.
Opposite of acit is alkali.
Pure water has 7 P.H.
Cola drinks contain phosphoric acid to give them flavor.
Bee stings contain formic acid.
People used to treat bee stings by rubbing them with bicarbonate of soda.
Acid contains Hydrogen and reacts with metals such as iron and zinc, they give off Hydrogen.