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General Knowledge Facts About Human Body For FPSC, PPSC, NTS, CSS And Various Exams Part 4

General Knowledge Facts About Human Body For FPSC, PPSC, NTS, CSS  And Various Exams Part 4

General Knowledge For FPSC, PPSC, NTS, CSS 

And Various Exams  

(Facts About Human Body) 

Part 4

  • Total teeth = 32, eight flat incisors at the front, fount pointedcanine and 20 flat-topped pre-molars and molars at the back of the mouth.
  • Tooth is covered by tough white enamel.
  • Enamel is the hardest substance in the body and resists almost everything except the acid produced by certain bacteria
  • Liver is the body’s chemical factory.
  • Liver is the largest organ in the body.
  • Liver carries out more than 500 different tasks.
  • Liver recycles old red blood cells.
  • Liver takes up and stores glucose from blood.
  • Liver also absorbs and stores fat and some vitamins.
  • Liver uses vitamin B12 for making new red blood cells.
  • Nearly two third of our body is water.
  • We loose about a liter and a half of water each day in sweating, breathing and urination.
  • Each kidney is made up of millions of tiny filtering units called Nephrons.
  • The nephrons can filter about 4 liters of blood every 5 minutes.
  • Each day about 200 liters of water leaves the blood and passes into the filters most of it is then reclaimed and return to the blood.
  • Only about a liter of water per day stays in the nephrons to leave the kidney and flow into the bladder as urine.
  • Urea is poisonous so the kidneys remove all of it from the blood.
  • The liquid, which leaves the kidney, as urine is about 96% water and just 4% salts and urea.
  • The urinary bladder can hold about half a liter of urine before we must empty it.
  • Amniotic sac is a protective bag of fluid in which the baby floats.
  • A baby is attached to the side of the womb by placenta.
  • Homo erectus means upright man
  • Homo sapiens mean wise man
  • Cells in intestine are easily worn away and live for only a few days.
  • Bone cells can last for 30 years.
  • The left ventricle pumps blood all round the body.
  • Capillaries are so small that they can fit between cells.
  • A living bone has layers of hard calcium phosphate on the outside and a heycomb of hard bone of living cells inside
  • Bone marrow supply blood cells over 2 millin every second
  • In the inner chamber of ear called cochlea, the vibrations send waves of movement through a fluid.
  • The cochlea is liked with thousands of sensitive hairs.
  • Thumping of heart or break out of sweat are caused by adrenaline.
  • From the age of about 5 years a child’s body grows steadily
  • Protein is a natural polymer
  • Muscles along the digestive system contract in a sequence called peristalsis to squeeze food along Nutrients of food are absorbed in blood in a long section of intestine called ileum. If uncoiled, ileum is 5-6 meters long
  • Eye contains only three types of color-sensitive cells. These cells (called cones) are on retina. The cones respond to red, green and blue light. Brain makes out other colors by combining the signals from these cells.
  • Ophthalmology deals with Eyes