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Psychology Multiple Choice Past Paper (11) Important Question For PPSC , FPSC, NTS And Various Exams Multiple Choice Past Paper |Important psychology question and answer| Past paper | Psychology Important Question For PPSC , FPSC, NTS And Various Exams psychology solved mcqs| Important Question For PPSC , FPSC, NTS And Various Exams

Psychology Multiple Choice Past Paper (11) 

Important Question For PPSC , FPSC, NTS And 

Various Exams

1) By the perceptual organization of stimuli the person’s span of attention is:
a) Increased
b) Decreased
c) Divided
d) Unaffected
e) None of these
2) Figural after-effects pertain to distortion:
a) In memory of figures
b) Caused by ambiguity of figures
c) Caused by prolonged fixation of figures
d) Caused by oscillation of attention
e) None of these
3) One of the following is not a monocular depth cue:
a) Interposition
b ) Relative moment
c) Convergence
d) Accommodation
e) None of these
4) The cerebellum and cerebrum are:
a) Functionally independent
b) Bilaterally symmetrical
c) Found in the mid-brain
d) In front of the central fissure
e) None of these
5) Factors predisposing an individual towards feeling of jealousy include:
a) Lack of intensity of feeling of love
b) Insecurity of self-conception
c) Self-hate
d) All of these
e) None of these
6) Copying behavior is:
a) Often unconscious
b) A form of habitual behavior
c) Always goal-directed
d) Usually carried out with minimum attention
e) None of these
7) Self-assertive behavior is an example primarily of:
a) An abundance motive
b) A stimulation motive
c) A survival motive
d) A security motive
e) None of these
8) The concept of homeostasis most closely associated with the name of:
a) Richter
b) Cannon
c) Levin
d) Warden
e) None of these
9) The approach-approach conflict involves:
a) A stable equilibrium
b) An unstable equilibrium
c) An oscillation of (a) and (b)
d) Neither (a) nor (b) (c)
e) None of these
10) The two parts of autonomic nervous system are:
a) Voluntary and involuntary
b) Cerebrospinal and cortical
c) Thalamus and hypothalamus
d) Sympathetic and parasympathetic
e) None of these
11) Which one of the following is not the law of perceptual grouping?
a) Proximity
b) Similarity constancy
c) Constancy
d) Continuation
e) None of these
12) In Pavlovian conditioning the learned response is:
a) CS
b) CR
c) UCS
d) UCR
e) None of these
13) Thorndike’s “Law of Effect” was an early form of the present day principle of:
a) Extinction
b) Contiguity
c) Reinforcement
d) Trial and error
e) None of these
14) When new acquisition improves retention of the old, we speak of:
a) Positive transfer
b) Negative transfer
c) Reproductive facilitation
d) Reproductive interference
e) None of these
15) Of the following one is not a measure of retention:
a) Recognition
b) Recall
c) Relearning
d) Reminiscence
e) None of these
16) Typically the curve obtained in discrimination learning in animals is:
a) Positively accelerated
b) Linearly accelerated
c) Negatively accelerated
d) S-shaped
e) None of these
17) Development of any skill depends intimately on:
a) Muscle facility
b) Feedback
c) Abstractions
d ) Kinesthetic stimulation
e) None of these
18) The theory of personality in which “basic anxiety” is the primary concept was associated 
with the name:
a) Fromm
b) Sullivan
c) Horney
d) Murray
e) None of these
19) In the perception of people, feedback will serve to:
a) Correct an incorrect initial perception
b) Confirm an accurate initial perception
c) Stabilize and inaccurate initial perception
d) Nay of the above would be true
e) None of these
20) The essential feature of client-centered therapy is:
a) The giving of reassurance to the client
b) The facilitating the client to arrive at his own insight about his problem
c) Its directive character
d ) It’s emphasis upon searching for deep unconscious aspects of the problem
e) None of these