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Psychology Multiple Choice Past Paper (12) Important Question For PPSC , FPSC, NTS And Various Exams Psychology Multiple Choice Past Paper |Important psychology question and answer| Past paper | Psychology Important Question For PPSC , FPSC, NTS And Various Exams psychology solved mcqs| Important Question For PPSC , FPSC, NTS And Various Exams

Psychology Multiple Choice Past Paper (12) 

Important Question For PPSC , FPSC, NTS And 

Various Exams

1) Studies on maturation and learning have indicated:
a) That environmental stimulation may effect growth
b) That some factor may affect normal development
c) That the two follow independent course
d) Both (a) and (b) above
e) None of these
2) The over-all bodily and mental curves for man:
a) Diverge at the age of puberty
b) Run parallel course
c) Show a drop at the age of puberty
d) Both (b) and (c)
e) None of these
3) Psychosomatic disorders are best illustrated by:
a) Asthma caused by anxiety
b) Neurotic anxiety
c) Depression caused by tuberculosis
d) Over-eating
e) None of these
4) Which one of the following is not listed as classification of psychoneurosis?
a) Phobic reactions
b) Conversion reactions
c) Delusional reactions
d) Neurasthenic reactions
e) None of these
5) So-called “functional” and “organic” psychoses are:
a) Really both functional in origin
b) Really both organic in origin
c) Clearly differentiated as to the origin
d) Not clearly distinguishable
e) None of these
6) Psychodrama is one of the psychotherapeutic techniques which basically involve 
situations representing:
a) Ego blocking
b) Superego blocking
c) Primary ego
d) All of the above
e) None of these
7) Psychodynamic therapist believes that maladaptive behavior stems from:
a) Emotional trauma experienced in childhood
b) A failure to live up to one’s full potential
c) Disturbed thought patterns
d) Inappropriate learning patterns
e) None of these
8) The semantic differential scale is used mainly to measure:
a) Values
b) Opinions
c) Attitudes
d) Interests
e) None of these
9) While selecting a psychological test for personnel selection, main concern regarding the test is:
a) Cost
b) Ease of administration
c) Validity
d) Objectively
e) None of these
10) The concept of introversion and extroversion was advanced by:
a) Spranger
b) Jung
c) Kretchmer
d) Jeansch
e) None of these
11) Emergency reactions refer to:
a) Individual’s attempt to cope with an emergency
b) Bodily changes accompanying emotions of anger and fear
c) Feeling of startle when suddenly stimulated
d) Ways that the individual seeks to achieve emotional control
e) None of these
12) Studies show that an “authoritarian” family tends to produce an adolescent who is:
a) Dependent and obedient
b) Independent but reserved
c) Surface-compliant but rebellious underneath
d) Self reliant
13) The non-directive approach characterizes:
a) Psychoanalysis
b) Behavior modification
c) Client-centered therapy
d) Hypnosis
e) None of these
14) Child-rearing practices in Pakistan
a) Differ little from those in other countries
b) Differ from one social class to another
c) Have changed very little over past 50 years
d) Are now pretty much the same from one social class to the next
e) None of the above observation is correct
15) In Maslow’s theory of personality the main concept is that of:
a) Functional autonomy
b) Acquired drives
c) Interpersonal relations
d) Self-actualization
e) None of these
16) According to Erickson’s theory, the struggle during adolescence is:
a) Intimacy vs. isolation
b) Initiative vs. guilt
c) Identity vs. confusion
d) Competence vs. inferiority
e) None of these
17) According to clinical psychologists unconscious is:
a) A construct
b) A place
c) A thing
d) An observation
e) None of these
18) Disagreeing with Freud, Erickson emphasized more on:
a) Conflict
b) Racial memory
c) Adulthood
d) Early habits
e) None of these
19) The prototype of the modern intelligence test for children was developed by:
a) Terman
b) Wechsler
c) Binet
d) Stanford
e) None of these
20) In Thurston’s method of attitude scaling, the key factor is the use of:
a) Numbers
b) Judges
c) Reinforcement
d) Positive and negative items
e) None of these