1980s: ____ discovers 2 partial rings of Neptune in 1989?
Answer: voyager 2
19th Century: In 1877 ____ Hall discovers Mars's moon Deimos?
Answer: Asaph
19th Century: In 1877 Asaph ____ discovers Mars's moon Deimos?
Answer: hall
19th Century: In 1877 Asaph Hall discovers ____ 's moon Deimos?
Answer: mars
19th Century: In 1877 Asaph Hall discovers Mars's moon ____?
Answer: Deimos
99% of the solar system mass is concentrated in the____?
Answer: sun
A heavenly body moving under the attraction of the Sun and consisting of a nucleus and a tail is a(n) ____?
Answer: comet
As what is Polaris also known?
Answer: North Star
As what is the North Star also known?
Answer: Polaris
Does Uranus have an aurora?
Answer: yes
From 1979 until 2000 the most distant planet from the earth was ____?
Answer: Neptune
How many months does it take the moon to revolve around the Earth?
Answer: One
How many planets are there in our solar system?
Answer: eight
How many planets are there in our solar system?
Answer: eight
If you're in the northern hemisphere, Polaris, the North Star, can be found by looking which direction?
Answer: north
Mars is ____ kilometres in diameter?
Answer: 6,790
Mars is ____ miles in diameter?
Answer: 4,219
Mars is ____ million kilometres from the Sun?
Answer: 228
Mars is sometimes called the ____ planet?
Answer: red
Mars takes ____ Earth days to circle the sun?
Answer: 687
Mythology: What gods are the planets of our solar system named after?
Answer: Roman Gods
Name the largest planet in the solar system?
Answer: Jupiter
Name the second-largest planet in the solar system?
Answer: Saturn
Of all the planets in our Solar System, which is the largest?
Answer: Jupiter
Our galaxy is commonly known as the ____?
Answer: Milky Way
Answer: Uranus, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto
Saturday is named after which planet?
Answer: Saturn
The Big Dipper is part of what constellation?
Answer: Ursa major
The fourth planet from the sun is ____?
Answer: Mars
The name for the group of stars which form a hunter with a club and shield is ____?
Answer: Orion
The North Star is also known as ____?
Answer: Polaris
The planet closest to the sun is ____?
Answer: Mercury
The spiral galaxy nearest ours is the ____ galaxy?
Answer: Andromeda
The spiral galaxy nearest ours is the ____?
Answer: Andromeda
The tides on the earth's oceans are actually created by gravitational pull from the ____?
Answer: moon
There are ____ planets in this solar system?
Answer: 9
This cluster of stars is also known as the Seven Sisters?
Answer: Pleiades
This comet appears every 76.3 years?
Answer: Comet Halley
This comet appears every 76.3 years?
Answer: Halley
This planet's diameter is most equal to that of the earth's?
Answer: Venus
Triple star system, also called rigil kent, in the constellation Centaurus?
Answer: alpha centaur i
Venus has how many moons?
Answer: 0
Venus is ____ kilometres in diameter?
Answer: 12,000
Venus is ____ miles in diameter?
Answer: 7,456
Venus is ____ million kilometres from the Sun?
Answer: 108
Venus takes nearly ____ Earth days to circle the Sun?
Answer: 225
what cluster of stars is also known as the plow or the wagon?
Answer: big dipper
What constellation is represented by scales?
Answer: Libra
What does "Ursa Major" mean in everyday English?
Answer: great bear
What is the astronomical name for a group of stars?
Answer: constellation
What is the fifth planet in our solar system?
Answer: Jupiter
What is the frequency of Halley's Comets return to earth orbit?
Answer: 76 years
What is the full moon nearest the autumnal equinox?
Answer: harvest moon
What is the largest of the asteroids in our solar system?
Answer: Ceres
What is the largest planet in our solar system?
Answer: Jupiter
What is the largest planetary moon in our solar system?
Answer: Ganymede
What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Aquila?
Answer: Eagle
What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Auriga?
Answer: Charioteer
What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Camelopardalis?
Answer: Giraffe
What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Canes Venatici?
Answer: Greyhounds
What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Cassiopeia?
Answer: Cassiopeia
What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Cepheus?
Answer: Cepheus
What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Coma Berenices?
Answer: Berenice's Hair
What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Corona Borealis?
Answer: Northern Crown
What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Cygnus?
Answer: Swan
What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Delphinus?
Answer: Dolphin
What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Draco?
Answer: Dragon
What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Equuleus?
Answer: Colt
What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Lacerta?
Answer: Lizard
What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Leo Minor?
Answer: Lesser Lion
What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Lyra?
Answer: Lyre
What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Ophiuchus?
Answer: Serpent Bearer
What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Sagitta?
Answer: Arrow
What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Serpens?
Answer: Serpent
What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Triangulum?
Answer: Triangle
What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Ursa Major?
Answer: Great Bear
What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Ursa Minor?
Answer: Little Bear
What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Vulpecula?
Answer: Fox
What is the most essential tool in astronomy?
Answer: telescope
What is the most widely accepted theory for the creation of the universe?
Answer: Big Bang
What is the name for a group of stars?
Answer: constellation
What is the name for the theoretical end-product of the gravitational collapse of a massive star?
Answer: black hole
What is the name given to a group of stars?
Answer: constellation
What is the name of brightest asteroid visible from earth?
Answer: Vesta
What is the name used to describe the "minor planets"?
Answer: asteroid
What is the ocean of air around the earth called?
Answer: atmosphere
What is the only day named after a planet?
Answer: Saturday
What is the proper name for falling stars?
Answer: meteors
What is the small irregular white cloud that zips around Neptune approximately every 16 hours called?
Answer: Scooter
What is the technical name for 'falling stars'?
Answer: meteors
What is the term for the path followed a by a small body around a massive body in space?
Answer: orbit
What is the term for the path followed by a body in space?
Answer: orbit
What is your zodiac sign if you are born on August 9th?
Answer: Leo
What is your zodiac sign if you are born on July 15?
Answer: cancer
What is your zodiac sign if you are born on July 15th?
Answer: cancer
What is your zodiac sign if you're born on New Years Day?
Answer: Capricorn
What phenomenon is caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon?
Answer: tide
What phenomenon is caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon?
Answer: tides
What planet boasts the Great Red Spot?
Answer: Jupiter
What planet is nearest the sun?
Answer: Mercury
What's the nearest galaxy to our own?
Answer: Andromeda
When does a full moon rise?
Answer: sunset
Where is the largest volcano in our solar system?
Answer: Mars
Which is the largest planet in our solar system?
Answer: Jupiter
Which is the only planet that rotates clockwise?
Answer: Venus
Which meteor shower occurs on the 10th October?
Answer: Draconian
Which meteor shower occurs on the 12th August?
Answer: Perseid
Which meteor shower occurs on the 14th November?
Answer: Andromeda
Which meteor shower occurs on the 16th November?
Answer: Leonids
Which meteor shower occurs on the 21st April?
Answer: Lyrids
Which meteor shower occurs on the 21st October?
Answer: Orionids
Which meteor shower occurs on the 4th May?
Answer: Eta Aquarids
Which meteor shower occurs on the 4th November?
Answer: Taurids
Which of the planets has the shortest year?
Answer: mercury
Which planet does the moon Call is to belong to?
Answer: Jupiter
Which planet in our solar system orbits closest to the sun?
Answer: mercury
Which planet is covered in thick clouds of carbon dioxide and sulphuric acid?
Answer: Venus
Which planet is known as the red planet?
Answer: Mars
Which planet was discovered in 1930?
Answer: Pluto
Which star is nearest the Earth?
Answer: Sun
Who coined the theory that the earth revolves around the sun?
Answer: Nicolas Copernicus
Who discovered the four largest moons of Jupiter?
Answer: Galileo
Who invented the telescope?
Answer: Galileo Galilee
Who was the first person to notice "canals" on Mars?
Answer: Schiaparelli