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Python String Formatting

Python String Formatting

String formatting in Python allows you to create dynamic strings by embedding variables or expressions within them. 

There are several ways to achieve string formatting, but the most common methods are using the `%` operator and the `format()` method.

Using `%` Operator:


name = "Alice"

age = 25

height = 5.8

Old-style formatting

message = "Hello, my name is %s, I'm %d years old, and I'm %.2f feet tall." % (name, age, height)



Using `format()` Method:


name = "Bob"

age = 30

height = 6.1

New-style formatting

message = "Hello, my name is {}, I'm {} years old, and I'm {:.2f} feet tall.".format(name, age, height)



f-strings (Python 3.6+):


name = "Charlie"

age = 22

height = 5.5

# f-string

message = f"Hello, my name is {name}, I'm {age} years old, and I'm {height:.2f} feet tall."



These examples showcase different ways to format strings in Python. The `%` operator uses placeholders like `%s` for strings, `%d` for integers, and `%f` for floating-point numbers. The `format()` method uses curly braces `{}` as placeholders, and f-strings directly embed expressions within curly braces, making the syntax concise and readable.

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