Open, shut then, open, shut them, give a little clap. Open, shut them, open, shut them, lay them in your lap. Creep them, creep them, cr…
Read moreMary had a little lamb, Whose fleece was white as snow. And everywhere that Mary went, The lamb was sure to go. It followed her to school on…
Read moreWe say "Thank You." We say "Please." We don't interrupt or tease. We don't argue. We don't fuss. We listen…
Read moreI'm a little teapot. Short and stout. Here is my handle. Here is my spout. When I get all steamed up. Hear me shout. Tip me ove…
Read moreGot my toothpaste, got my brush. I won't hurry, I won't rush. Making sure my teeth are clean. Front and back and in between. When…
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