When you want to open a new consideration they provide you two options Individual and Business records. Starting new consideration in without charge and you can deliver get cash immediately but you cannot take out cash without confirming it. So Payza consideration confirmation is must and you can do this very easily with the help of below discuss method.
Nadra Recognition cards is needed which should have identical name as discuss in your Payza consideration. Check out the money score cards from each side and put them in one image. Urdu terminology cards will also be authorized.
Address Verification Document
Scan any power invoice duplicate like Electricity, Suigas or Phone invoice but one thing keep in mind that the name on invoice should complement consideration name. Also deal with should be actual because it will be used to deliver you Prepaid card(if needed by you).
Send Assistance Ticket
Visit Payza Client Assistance Center by going to this link and click on > My Account Assistance > Account Verification Queries.
On next web page publish your private information as well as the Nadra ID cards and invoice duplicate with the help of publish key found at the base of that web page. That’s it you should get an email that your solution is being obtained and your consideration will soon be confirmed.