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Animals Quiz With Answer

animal quiz with answer

 ____ always turn left when exiting a cave.

Answer: bats

 ____ and short-tailed shrews get by on only two hours of sleep a day.

Answer: elephants

 ____ are freeze-tolerant and spend winters frozen on land, only to thaw in the spring and begin their breeding process in vernal ponds.

Answer: wood frogs

 ____ are in the same family as horses, and are thought to have inspired the myth of the unicorn. 

Answer: rhinos

 ____ are powerful jumpers. A 20-inch adult can leap 20 feet in a single bound.

Answer:  jackrabbits

 ____ are social birds that congregate in huge flocks. While the flock grazes in a field, lookouts will be posted to watch for approaching danger. They'll raise the alarm if humans approach.

Answer: crows

 ____ bats do not suck blood. They bite, then lick up the flow.

Answer:  vampire

 ____ can climb trees faster than they can run on the ground.

Answer:  squirrels

 ____ can clock an amazing 31 mph at full speed and cover about 3 times their body length per leap.

Answer:  kittens

 ____ can live in captivity for up to 46 years.

Answer:  eagles

 ____ can swim for a 1/2 mile without resting, and they can tread water for 3 days straight.

Answer:  rats

 ____ can travel up to 40 miles per hour.

Answer:  sharks

 ____ can withstand water pressure of up to 850 pounds per square inch.

Answer:  seals

 ____ cannot move backwards.

Answer:  alligators

 ____ don't fly by flapping their wings up and down. The motion is more forward and backward, like a figure eight on its side

Answer:  birds

 ____ eagles hunt over a range of 100 square miles to feed their young

Answer:  golden

 ____ eat only moving prey

Answer:  toads

 ____ eels are not really eels but a kind of fish. Although they look like eels, their internal organs are arranged differently

Answer:  electric

 ____ eggs which are incubated below 85? F (29.5? C) hatch into females, while those incubated above 95? F (35? C) hatch into males

Answer:  crocodile

 ____ feel safest when they are crowded together, hundreds in a group

Answer:  flamingoes

 ____ for most snakes is accomplished with one lung only. The left lung is either greatly reduced in size or missing completely

Answer:  breathing

 ____ gather in groups to sleep through the winter. Sometimes up to 1,000 of them will coil up together to keep warm

Answer:  rattlesnakes

 ____ had a heart the size of a pickup truck

Answer:  brachiosaurus

 ____ has more homeless cats per square mile than any other city in the world

Answer:  rome

 ____ have 5 hearts

Answer:  earthworms

 ____ have been trained to have recognition vocabularies of 100 to 200 words. They can distinguish among different grammatical patterns

Answer:  chimpanzees

 ____ have killed more people than have all the world's wars combined

Answer:  mosquitoes

 ____ have no ability to taste sweet things

Answer:  cats

 ____ have one more pair of chromosomes than dogs or wolves

Answer:  jackals

 ____ have scent glands between their hind toes. The glands help them leave scent trails for the herd. Researchers say the odor smells cheesy

Answer:  reindeer

 ____ have the best eyesight of any breed of dog

Answer:  greyhounds

 ____ have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand

Answer:  camels

 ____ herds post their own sentries. When danger threatens, the sentry raises its trunk and though it may be as far as a half-mile away, the rest of the herd is instantly alerted. how this communication takes place is not understood

Answer:  elephant

 ____ is one American breed of hardy hogs having drooping ears - it was allegedly named after the horse owned by the hog's breeder

Answer:  duroc

 ____ may travel great distances on their migrations. The Arctic tern travels from the top of the world, the Arctic - to the bottom, the Antarctic. Round trip in a single year: 25,000 miles in all

Answer:  birds

____ need about 2 tablespoonfuls of blood each day. The creature is able to extract its dinner in approximately 20 minutes

Answer:  vampire bats

 ____ never walk or trot, but always hop or leap

Answer:  rabbits

 ____ of South and Central America and the Caribbean lay their eggs in February and March

Answer:  iguanas

 ____ often sleep for up to fourteen hours a day

Answer:  gorillas

 ____ played a role in aerial warfare during World War I. Because of their acute hearing, parrots were kept on the Eiffel Tower to warn of approaching aircraft long before the planes were heard or seen by human spotters

Answer:  birds

 ____ silk is an extremely strong material and its on-weight basis has been proven to be stronger than steel. Experts suggest that a pencil-thick strand of silk could stop a Boeing 747 in flight

Answer:  spider

 ____ swim in circles while they sleep with the eye on the outside of the circle open to keep watch for predators. After a certain amount of time, they reverse and swim in the opposite direction with the opposite eye open

Answer:  dolphins

 ____ taste with their hind feet

Answer:  butterflies

 ____ that are seen wandering around in the wild do not make good pets. These are sexually mature males at the end of their life cycle - they will die within a few weeks or months

Answer:  tarantulas

: ____ turtles may breed for the first time when they are between 25 to 50 years old. This figure varies, depending upon the creature's range and the diet of the maturing turtle

Answer:  green

 ____ were domesticated around 4,000 years ago

Answer:  camels

 ____, an essential ingredient of many expensive cosmetics, is, in its native form, a foul-smelling, waxy, tarlike substance extracted from the fleece of sheep

Answer:  lanolin

 ____, like grasshoppers - feel no pain. They have a decentralized nervous system with no cerebral cortex, which in humans is where a reaction to painful stimuli proceeds

Answer:  lobsters

____, like other equids, have three gaits: the walk, the trot, and the gallop

Answer:  zebras

 1990s: In 1992, what type of flies flew on the space shuttle endeavour

Answer:  fruit flies

 1990s: In 1999 was The Year of the ____

Answer:  Rabbit

 2002, Crufts - which breed of dog was chosen as Best in Show

Answer:  poodle

 A ____ always sleeps on its right side

Answer:  pig

 A ____ breathes only 10 times in hibernation

Answer:  woodchuck

 A ____ can advance 7 to 8 meters in a single stride, and the animal completes four strides per second. A stride is measured as the distance between successive imprints of the same paw

Answer:  cheetah

 A ____ can dig over 250 feet of tunnel in a single night

Answer:  mole

 A ____ can eat only when its head is upside down

Answer:  flamingo

 A ____ can fall from a 5-story building without injury

Answer:  rat

 A ____ can go without water longer than a camel can

Answer:  giraffe

 A ____ can go without water longer than a camel can

Answer:  rat

 A ____ can last longer without water than a camel can

Answer:  rat

 A ____ can learn to recognize itself in a mirror

Answer:  chimpanzee

 A ____ can lose up to 30 percent of its body weight in perspiration and continue to cross the desert. A human would die of heat shock after sweating away only 12 percent of body weight

Answer:  camel

 A ____ can open its mouth wide enough to accommodate a 4-foot-tall child

Answer:  hippopotamus

Baby beavers are called kits or ____

Answer:  kittens

Baby eels are

Answer:  elvers

Baby mink are born blind and remain sightless for a ____

Answer:  month

Baby opossums - upon birth when they move to the mother's pouch - are smaller than honeybees. An entire litter can fit in a ____

Answer:  teaspoon

Baby rattlesnakes are born in August and ____

Answer:  September

Baby rattlesnakes are born without ____

Answer:  rattles

Baby robins eat ____ feet of earthworms every day

Answer:  fourteen

Back of horse's leg where hair grows above hoof

Answer:  fetlock

Bactrian camels have survived in a land with no water in an area used for nuclear testing. Their numbers, however, are falling dramatically as humans
encroach farther and farther into China's ____ Desert

Answer:  gobi

Bactrian or dromedary

Answer:  camel

Bald eagles are not bald. The top of their head is covered with slicked-down white feathers; from a distance, they appear ____

Answer:  hairless

Basking, nurse and whale are all types of which animal

Answer:  shark

Bats always turn ____ when exiting a cave

Answer:  left

Bats are second largest order of mammals, with about ____ species

Answer:  950

Bats are the only mammals that are able to fly. The "flying squirrel" can only do what the gliding opposum does - glide for short ____

Answer:  distances

Because baby pigs grow so quickly, a succession of 48 little pigs were used in the title role during the filming of the 1995 movie hit ____

Answer:  babe

Because birds carrying messages were often killed in flight by hawks, medieval Arabs made a habit of sending important messages ____

Answer:  twice

Because it is continually losing body heat, the ____ must keep moving to stay warm. If inactive for more than a few hours, the animal will
lose enough body heat to freeze to death

Answer:  shrew

Because its eyeball is fixed, the ____ must move its huge body to shift its line of sight

Answer:  whale

Because its tongue is too short for its beak, the ____ must juggle its food before swallowing it

Answer:  toucan

Because of the giant panda's large size and the small size of their offspring, it is difficult to tell when a panda is ____

Answer:  pregnant

Between the mid-1860's and 1883, the ____ population in North America was reduced from an estimated 13 million to a few hundred

Answer:  bison

Spiders' webs are a traditional natural ____, when applied to a cut they quickly stop the flow of blood

clotting agent

Bird droppings are a chief export of Nauru, an island nation in the ____

Answer:  western pacific

Bird with characteristic cry and the habit of laying eggs in other birds nests

Answer:  cuckoo

Black and white seabird with small wings

Answer:  auk

Blondie's dog

Answer:  daisy

Bovine refers to what kind of animal

Answer:  cattle

Boxers were named after their habit of playing. At the beginning of play with another dog, a Boxer will stand on his hind legs
and bat at his opponent, appearing to "box" with his ____

Answer:  front paws

Brachiosaurus had a ____ the size of a pickup truck

Answer:  heart

Breed of dog that Lassie is

Answer:  collie

Budgerigar is another name for what kind of bird

Answer:  parakeet

Butterflies taste with their ____ feet

Answer:  hind

Butterflies taste with their

Answer:  feet

By age 6 months, the voracious ____ will have increased its 3-pound birth weight by 7,000 percent

Answer:  pig

By what name is the bird Pica Pica better known

Answer:  magpie

By what name is the Tibetan Lion Dog better known

Answer:  Shih Tzu

Camel milk is the only milk that doesn't curdle when ____

Answer:  boiled

Camel's milk does not ____

Answer:  curdle

Camels are born without

Answer:  humps

Camels have three ____ to protect themselves from blowing sand

Answer:  eyelids

Camels were used as pack animals in ____ and Arizona as late as 1870

Answer:  nevada

Can a bat stand up

Answer:  no

Can a platypus see under water

Answer:  no

Can gorillas swim

Answer:  no

Can iguanas blink?

Answer:  No

Canned herring were dubbed ____ because the canning process was first developed in Sardinia, Italy

Answer:  sardines

Carnivorous animals will not eat another animal that has been hit by a ____ strike

Answer:  lightning

Carnivorous mammal, native to the northern regions of North America, Europe, & Asia, whose habits are
much like those of the badger

Answer:  wolverine

Cashmere is sourced from which animal?

Answer:  Goat

Cat's ____ glows under a black-light

Answer:  urine

Cat's can't taste ____

Answer:  sweets

Cat's urine glows under a ____ light

Answer:  black

Catfish have how many taste buds

Answer:  100,000

Cats have over ____ vocal sounds, while dogs only have about ten

Answer:  100

Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds, dogs only have about

Answer:  ten

Cats, not dogs, are now the most common pets in America. Approximately 66 million cats to 58 million dogs are
family pets, with parakeets "flying" a distant third at ____

Answer:  14,000,000

Cattle branding in the United States did not originate in the West. It began in ____ in the mid-19th century,
when farmers were required by law to mark all their pigs

Answer:  connecticut

Cattle branding was practiced 4,000 years ago. Old tomb paintings show ____ branding their fat, spotted cattle

Answer:  egyptians

Celeste was the wife of which fictional animal?

Answer:  Babar the Elephant

Certain ____ can be frozen solid then thawed, & continue living

Answer:  frogs

Certain ____ can be frozen solid then thawed, and continue living

Answer:  frogs

Certain ____ emit a light so penetrating that it can pass through flesh and wood

Answer:  fireflies

Certain birds of prey (the African serpent eagle and the American kestrel, for example) have ____ acuity 2.4 to 2.6 times greater than humans. They can see  a 1 mm long insect from a treetop 18 meters above ground

Answer:  visual

Certain fireflies emit a light so penetrating that it can pass through ____ and wood

Answer:  flesh

Certain fireflies emit a light so penetrating that it can pass through flesh and____

Answer:  wood

Certain species of male butterflies produce scents that serve in attracting females during____

Answer:  courtship

Chipmunk that says "naturally" in the chipmunk song

Answer:  theodore

City ____ will eat just about anything, and often, it's the junk food that people offer them that they prefer, like Cracker Jack peanuts. Many naturalists have concluded that a peanut diet is harmful to squirrels: it seems to result in a weakening of eyesight and a thinning of the animal's pelt

Answer:  squirrels

Clams have a row of ____ around their shells

Answer:  eyes

Collective term for slender, threadlike outgrowths of the epidermis of mammals, forming the characteristic 
covering of those mammals

Answer:  hair

Colobus, vervet and mangabey are types of which animal

Answer:  monkey

Common name applied generally to certain members of a family of relatively small salamanders, most of which
spend at least part of their lives in water

Answer:  newt

Common name applied to birds of about 14 genera of the pheasant family

Answer:  partridge

Common name applied to certain large African monkeys & sometimes to the closely related gelada

Answer:  baboon

Common name applied to most species of hymenopteran insects (hymenoptera), except bees & ants

Answer:  wasp

Common name for a carnivore now widespread in North America & closely related to the wolf (dog family)

Answer:  coyote

Experts are fascinated by the prairie dogs' ____

Answer:  cooperative system

Contrary to popular belief, dogs do not sweat by salivating. They sweat through the____

Answer:  pads of their feet

Coral and algae have what kind of relationship?

Answer:  Symbiotic

Cougars can kill animals ____ times their size

Answer:  eight

Cows clean their noses with their ____

Answer:  tongue

Cows have four stomachs. Often, when a calf is born, the farmer will make it swallow a magnet. This is to attract the various nails, staples, bits of wire, and so on, that the cow may ingest while grazing. This odd hunger is known as ____

Answer:  hardware disease

Cows provide 90 percent of the world's ____

Answer:  milk

Coyotes are extremely loyal to their mates. If one is caught in a trap, the other will bring small game for it to eat; it will soak itself in a river to allow its thirsty mate to chew on its damp fur for water. It has been documented that the free coyote will stay with its captive partner until ____

Answer:  death

Crabs and other crustaceans can escape danger by simply discarding an injured or trapped ____

Answer:  limb

Creature of which the echida is an example

Answer:  anteater

Crocodiles are ____ blind

Answer:  colour

Crocodiles carry their ____ in their mouths

Answer:  young

Crocodiles swallow ____ to help them dive deeper

Answer:  stones

Cross between a collie and a greyhound

Answer:  lurcher

Daddy Long Legs is the common name for which fly?

Answer:  Crane Fly

Dan is the only panda in captivity with these two fur colorings

Answer:  brown and white

Dead sponges can resist bacterial decay for more than five years when submerged in ____

Answer:  fresh water

Deer have no ____

Answer:  gall bladders

Depending on the geographic region, about 30 to 60 percent of all animals brought in to animal shelters 
in the United States are ____

Answer:  euthanized

Desert antelope that originally ranged from the western sahara and mauritania to egypt and the sudan

Answer:  addax

Despite man's fear and hatred of the wolf, it has not ever been proved that a non-rabid wolf ever attacked a ____

Answer:  human

Despite the hump, a camels spine is

Answer:  straight

Despite their finickiness, an average cat consumes about 127,750 calories a year, nearly 28 times their own weight in food and the same amount again in liquids. In case you were wondering, cats cannot survive on a ____

Answer:  vegetarian diet

Destructive insect related to the grasshopper

Answer:  locust

Developed in Egypt about 5,000 years ago, the greyhound breed was known before the ninth century in England, where it was bred by aristocrats to hunt such small game as hares. Today the dog is widely used in ____

Answer:  racing

Dima this type of animal, was found perfectly preserved in siberia in 1977

Answer:  woolly mammoth

Dinosaurs lived during this era, the age of reptiles

Answer:  mesozoic era

Dinosaurs lived in the Mesozoic Era, which is divided into three periods Two of these are Jurassic and Cretaceous 
What is the third

Answer:  Triassic

Dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years ago, after living on Earth for about ____ million years

Answer:  165

Do bumblebees have tongues

Answer:  yes

Do chimpanzees have tails

Answer:  no

Do crocodiles 'cry' salty tears

Answer:  yes

Do fish have ears

Answer:  yes

Do frogs or toads move faster

Answer:  frogs

Do mosquitoes have teeth

Answer:  yes

Do sea gulls drink sea water

Answer:  yes

Do snails have teeth

Answer:  yes

Do the bones of a pigeon weigh more or less than its feathers

Answer:  less

Does a wild rabbit live 10, 15 or 20 years

Answer:  10

Dogs bark. What do donkeys do

Answer:  bray

Dogs that do not tolerate small children well are the St. Bernard, the Old English sheep dog, the Alaskan malamute,
the bull terrier, and the toy ____

Answer:  poodle

Domesticated ____ (farm-raised) cannot fly. Wild ____ can fly for short distances at up to 55 miles per hour. 
Wild ____ are also fast on the ground, running at speeds of up to 30 miles per hour

Answer:  turkeys

Ducks will lay eggs only in the ____

Answer:  early morning

Due to a retinal adaptation that reflects light back to the retina, the night vision of tigers is six times better
than that of ____

Answer:  humans

During it's lifetime an ____ changes its sex from male to female and back several times

Answer:  oyster

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