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HTML Animated Text Tutorial

Image result for html marquee tag

HTML marquee tag is used to create animated text or used to move another content on the web page according to setting applied on it .It is interested to show animated content instead of static content.
Its starting tag is <marquee>
Ending tag is </marquee>
Write anything between these tags shows animated movement so lets Start and go to look a brief look at HTML marquee tag attribute that are following:
width: This specifies the width of the marquee.      
height:  This specifies the height of the marquee.   
direction:This specifies the direction in which marquee should scroll. This can be a value like up, down, left or right.    
behavior:This specifies the type of scrolling of the marquee. This can have a value like scroll, slide and alternate.           
scrolldelay :This specifies how long to delay between each jump.
scrollamount :This specifies the speed of marquee text.  
loop:This specifies how many times to loop. The default value is INFINITE, which means that the marquee loops endlessly.    
bgcolor: This specifies background color in terms of color name or color hex value.           
hspace: This specifies horizontal space around the marquee.

vspace :This specifies vertical space around the marquee.

<title>HTML marquee Tag</title>
<marquee>This is basic example </marquee>
<marquee direction="up">This text will move into top direction</marquee>

<marquee bgcolor="green" scrollamount="15" direction="right" width="400" height="200">Hello! World</marquee>

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