Frameset Tag
Frameset is a container or placeholder for multiple frames in same browser window <frameset> tag is used to define the style and number of frames in apage.The Rows and Cols attributes of frameset are used to specify the frameset characteristics.A frameset can be specified as Cols or Rows but not both.
Rows:It divides the screen into multiple rows. Its value can be given as:
Numbers of pixels
Percentage of the screen
* symbol to indicate all remaining space
Border:It specifies the width of the border in pixels drawn around the frames.
Framespacing:It specifies the amount of space between the frames in pixels.
<frameset rows="40%,30%,30%"></frameset>
The above example will divides the screen in three horizontal parts.The first two parts consist of 40% and second
and third part 30%.
Frame Tag
Frame tag is used to specify the web page that will be displayed in that frame,<frame> tag is used within the<frameset> tag.
Src:It specifies the page to be displayed in the frame.
Marginheight:It specifies the amount of space to be left at the top and left side of frame in pixels.
Marginwidth:It specifies the amount of space to be left along the sides of frame in pixels.
Name:It specifies the name of the frame
Noresize:It makes the frame un resizable
Scrolling:It specifies the appearance of horizontal and vertical scrollbars of frame. The possible values are yes,no and auto.
border:It specifies the width of the frame border in pixels.
<frameset rows="33%,35%,*">
<frame src="top.html">
<frame src="middle.html">
<frame src="bottom.html">