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HTML Frameset

Frameset Tag

Frameset is a container or placeholder for multiple frames in same browser window <frameset> tag is used to define the style and number of frames in a
page.The Rows and Cols attributes of frameset are used to specify the frameset characteristics.A frameset can be specified as Cols or Rows but not both.
Rows:It divides the screen into multiple rows. Its value can be given as:
Numbers of pixels
Percentage of the screen
* symbol to indicate all remaining space
Border:It specifies the width of the border in pixels drawn around the frames.
Framespacing:It specifies the amount of space between the frames in pixels.


<frameset rows="40%,30%,30%">
The above example will divides the screen in three horizontal parts.The first two parts consist of 40% and second
and third part 30%.

Frame Tag

Frame tag is used to specify the web page that will be displayed in that frame,<frame> tag is used within the
<frameset> tag.

Src:It specifies the page to be displayed in the frame.
Marginheight:It specifies the amount of space to be left at the top and left side of frame in pixels.
Marginwidth:It specifies the amount of space to be left along the sides of frame in pixels.
Name:It specifies the name of the frame
Noresize:It makes the frame un resizable
Scrolling:It specifies the appearance of horizontal and vertical scrollbars of frame. The possible values are yes,no and auto.
border:It specifies the width of the frame border in pixels.

<frameset rows="33%,35%,*">
<frame src="top.html">
<frame src="middle.html">
<frame src="bottom.html">

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