Computer Networking Basic Equipment Cabling Setup Sharing Free Pdf Book Download
2. Network Interface Card (NIC)
3. Copper Cables
4. Optical Fibre Cable (OFC)
5. Network Equipment & Standards
6. Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi)
7. Wireless MAN (Wi-MaX)
8. VSAT Technology
9. Leased Networks
10.Powerline Networks
1. Cabling, Crimping and Connections
2. OSI Model and Network Layers
3. Networking using Windows XP
4. Introduction to TCP / IP Protocol
5. TCP / IP Classes and Addressing
6. Internet Connection Sharing in Windows
7. Wireless Networking in Windows
8. Internet Information Services (FTP & WWW Server)
9. Networking using Windows 7
10. FTP & WWW Server Services in Windows 7
File Info:
File Name: Computer Networking & Basic Equipment
File Size: 4.9 MB
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