Discoveries & Inventions Exercise 01
Discoveries & Inventions Exercise 01
- Galileo was first to discover rotation of earth
- Kohler and Milstein discovered monoclonal antibodies.
- Photography was invented by Mathew Barry
- Albert Sabin invented Polio vaccine (oral)
- Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev (Russian) published his first version of periodic table in 1869.
- X-ray machine was invented by James Clark
- Arthur Campton discovered x-rays and Cosmic rays.
- Chadwick discovered Neutron
- Telescope was invented by Galileo
- Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming
- Noble gases discovered by Cavendish
- Gun powder was first invented in China
- Velocity of light was measured by Michelson
- Archimedes gave laws about Floatation of Bodies
- Balloon fly up in air according to Archimedes’s principle
- Dr. Christian Bernard was first to perform heart transplant in 1967 in cape town(SA)
- First man to receive artificial heart was Dr. Barney B. Clark
- Barometer was invented by Pascal
- Robert Hook discovered Cell in 1665
- Aspirin discovered by Dresser
- Atomic theory given by Dalton
- Atomic number given by Mosley
- Bacteria by Leeunhock
- Blood circulation by William Harvey
- Calculus by Newton
- Co2 by Fishcer
- Chlorine by K. Scheele
- Oxygen by Priestley
- Hydrogen by Cavandish
- Super conductor by Bendnorz and Muller in 1987 and were awarded Nobel Prize
- Cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney.
- Chloroform by Guthrie
- Deuterium by Harlod
- Dynamite by Alfred B. Nobel
- DNA by Watson Crick
- Gene by Johanson
- Chromosomes by Waldyar
- Electric resistance by Ohm
- Electrolysis by Faraday
- Electron by J.J. Thomson in 1897
- Neutron by Chadwick
- Proton by Rutherford
- Positron by Anderson
- Ozone by Echonbein
- Planetary motion by Kepler
- Radioactivity by Bacquerel
- Radium by Currie
- Insulin by Banting & Best
- Human heart transplant by Bernard
- Vaccine (measles) by Peebles
- Vaccine (polio) by Salk
- Vaccine (rabies) by Louis Pasteur
- Vaccine (small pox) by Edward Jenner
- Cause of Malaria was discovered by Ronald Ross
- Adding machine invented by Pascal
- Atom Bomb by Otto Hahn
- Air Brake by George Washington