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Everyday Science Exercise 7 ( The Universe )

Everyday Science Exercise 7 ( The Universe )

  • Cheron is the moon of Pluto
  • Total number of satellites are 31 (chk: 50)
  • Blue color of sky is due to Tyndal Effect
  • Our solar system contains 50 satelites
  • Total planets in solar system are 8
  • Distance of sun from earth is 150 million km = 1 a.u (angstrom unit)
  • Moon from earth is 385,000 km
  • Outer surface of sum is called photosphere
  • Sun has 90% hydrogen, 8% helium and 2% other elements.
  • Temperature at surface of sun is 6000K and at its center 20 million K
  • Venus reflects highest percentage of light
  • Morning star is called to Venus.
  • Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise
  • Rhea is the fifth natural satellite of Saturn.
  • Speed of earth in orbit around sun is 8.5 miles per second.
  • The only planet which rotates on its axis from East to West is Uranus
  • Uranus is called lopsided planet
  • Uranus contain atmosphere of Hydrogen and Helium
  • Period of rotation of earth on axis is 1 day or 23 hrs, 56 minutes & 4.09 seconds.
  • Period of revolution of Earth around Sun is 356 days, 6 hrs, 9 minutes & 9.54 seconds.
  • Volume of Earth is 260 billion cubic miles.
  • Weight of earth is 6586x10 power 18 tons
  • Rings of Saturn were discovered by Galileo in 1610
  • Titan, the largest moon in solar system is of Saturn
  • Triton is a satellite of Neptune
  • Planet referred as Morning Star and Evening Star is Venus
  • Venus’ atmosphere is 90 times thicker than earth’s.
  • The temperature of Venus’ surface is about 430 deg: C
  • Biggest Comet known to man is kohoutek
  • Only planet whose day is longer than its year is Venus
  • Brightest visible star is Sirus
  • Star nearest to earth is Sun
  • Atmosphere of sun has 3 layers
  • Sun spots are the cooler areas of sun
  • In 28 days moon returns to the same position in its orbit
  • The light coming from stars give the idea of their temperature.
  • A light year is equal to 9.46 trillion km
  • Sun radiated energy equal to 10 trillion of TNT explosion
  • Mercury is nearest to the sun, smallest and fastest planet, with shortest rotation time. Moon = 0
  • Venus is the brightest, hottest, closest to earth and earth’s twin in size and mass, has largest quantity
  • CO2 Moon = 0
  • Earth is most dense, watery, bios planet. Moon = 1
  • This is an instrument used for measuring the altitude of a celestial body: sextant
  • Mars moon = 2- Phobos and Deimos
  • Mars is named after the Roman god of war.
  • Mars is called Red planet
  • Mars is half the size of earth
  • Europa is a moon of Mars
  • Mars contain atmosphere of carbondioxide

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