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Important Books & Their Authors Exercise 02

Important Books & Their Authors Exercise 02

  • Decline and Fall of Roman Empire is written by Edward Gibbon
  • Doctor’s Dilemma is written by G.B Shaw
  • East of Aden is written by John Steinbeck
  • French Revolution is written by Tomas Carlyle
  • Freedom at Midnight is written by Larry Collins and Dominique Lapiere
  • Gone with the Wind is written by Margaret Mithchel
  • Great Expectations is written by Charles Dickens
  • Gulliver’s Travels is written by Jonathan Swift
  • Hamlet is written by W.Shakespeare
  • Ibn Battuta Travels in Asia and Africa is written by Ibn Battuta
  • Jungle book is written by Rudyard Kipling
  • Jinnah of Pakistan is written by Stanley Wolpert
  • Myth of independence is written by Z. A Bhutto
  • World War is written by W. Churchill
  • Merchant of Venice is written by Shakerpeare
  • Muhammad Ali Jinnah is written by M.H Saiyid
  • Much Ado About Nothing is written by Shakespeare
  • Nine Days Wonder is written by John Masefield
  • Nineteen Eighty Four is written by George Orwell
  • Old man and the Sea is written by Ernest Hamingway
  • Oliver Twist is written by Charles Dickens
  • Origin Of species is written by Charles Darwin
  • Paradise Lost is written by John Milton
  • Pickwick papers is written by Charles Dickens
  • Pride and Prejudice is written by Jane Austen
  • Robinson Crusoe is written by Daniel Defoe
  • Sense and Sensibility is written by Jane Austin
  • Sohrab and Rustam Mathew Arnold
  • Social Contact is written by Rousseau
  • Treasure Island is written by R.L Stevenson
  • Tropic of Cancer is written by Henry Miller
  • Twelfth Night is written by W. Shakespeare
  • A Tale of Two Cities is written by Charles Dickens
  • Vanity of Human Wishes is written by Samuel Johnson
  • Wealth of Nation is written by Adam Simith
  • Zulfi Bhutto of Pakistan is written by Stanley Wolpert
  • Faust is written by Goethe
  • Mein Kampf is written by Hitler
  • Divine Comedy is written by Dante
  • Odyssey (Greek) is written by Homer
  • Utopia is written by Thomas Mooore
  • War and Peace is written by Leo Tolstoy
  • Crime and Punishment is written by F.M Dostovsky
  • Communist Manifesto is written by Karl Marx and Eagles
  • Das Capital is written by Karl Marx
  • The idiot is written by Dostoevsky
  • Don Quixoto is written by Miguel De Cervates
  • The Prince is written by Machiavelli
  • Constitutional Development of Pakistan is written by G.W Choudhry
  • Five Thousand Years of Pakistan is written by Wheeler R.E.M
  • Foreign Policy of Pakistan is written by Zulifkar Ali Bhutto
  • Jinnah, Creator of Pakistan is written by Hecor Bolitho
  • Muslim Separatism in India and Pakistan is written by Abdul Hamid
  • Pakistan the Formative Phase is written by Lawrence Ziring
  • Political Syetem in Pakistan is written by Khalid B. Saeed
  • Politics in Pakistan is written by Khalid B. Saeed
  • Quaid-i-Azam and Pakistan is written by Ahmad Hasan Dani
  • Struggle for Pakistan is written by I.H Qureshi

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