Pioneer In Science Exercise 01
Pioneer In Science Exercise 01
- Anderson—Discovered positive electrons.
- Archimedes—Discovery of the Principles of lever and of specific gravity; invention of the famous Archimedean screw.
- Avogadro—An Italian scientist known for Avogadro’s Hypothesis.
- Bacquerel—Radio-activity of uranium.
- Baird—Television.
- Baron Napier—Logarithms.
- Benjamin Franklin—Invented lightning conductor.
- Bessemer—Steel smelting process.
- Bhabha, Dr H.J.—Research in Cosmic rays and Quantum theory.
- Binet—Intelligence Test.
- Birbal Sahni—Researches in Botany.
- Bose, J.C.—Invented Crescograph and published many works on plant physiology. He discovered that plants have sense and perception.
- Bose, S.N.—Discovery of a group of nuclear particles named after him “Boson”.
- Boyle—Boyle’s law; Pressure x volume = constant at a constant given temperature. Boyle was the greatest scientist of England in his time.
- Bohr—Electron Theory—Atomic structure.
- Braun, Dr Wernher von—space flying.
- Bunsen—Invention of the spectroscope.
- Carothers—Nylon plastics.
- Cavendish—Discovery of chemical composition of water; discovery of hydrogen (Inflammable Air); ‘rare gases’.
- Chadwick—Discovery of the neutron.
- Chandrasekhar—Mathematical Astrophysics.
- Charles Darwin—Theory of Evolution; Origin of Species.
- Clarke, Arthur C.—Concept of Geostationary Orbit.
- Curie, Madame—Discovery of radium.
- Dalton—Atomic theory; laws of chemical combination; law of partial pressures; the law of multiple proportions.
- Democritus—Greek philosopher—(Atomic theory).
- Dewar—Invented cordite, liquid oxygen and introduced thermos flask.
- Einstein—Theory of relativity.
- Euclid—Science of geometry.
- Fahrenheit—Fahrenheit mercury thermometric scale in which freezing point is –32° and boiling point is 212°.