Pioneer In Science Exercise 02
Pioneer In Science Exercise 02
- Faraday—Electromagnetic induction and laws of electrolysis.
- Fermi—Discovered artificial splitting of atoms.
- Freud—Doctrine of Psycho-analysis.
- Gay Lussac—Law of gases.
- Gauss—System of absolute electric measurements.
- Good Year—Discovered the art of vulcanising rubber.
- Herschel, William—Discovered the Planet—Uranus.
- Hertz—Electrical waves.
- Hippalus—Founder of scientific astronomy.
- Hoffmann—Discovered the first aniline dye.
- Kelvin, Lord—Dynamical theory of heat.
- Khorana, Dr Hargobind—Deciphering the genetic code.
- Kodak—Film and photographic goods.
- Lablanc—Manufacture of washing soda.
- Lawrence—Invention of cyclotron.
- Lockyer—Helium gas.
- Louis Braille—Perfected his system of reading and writing for the blind.
- Marconi—Wireless telegraphy; radio.
- Maria-Montessori—‘Montessori’ method of teaching children.
- Maxwell—Electro-magnetic Theory of Light.
- Meghnad Saha—Effect of pressure on Radiation through bodies.
- Mendel—Laws of heredity.
- Mandeleev—Periodic Table.
- Morse—Morse system of electric telegraphy.
- Newton—Laws of gravitation; Law of Motion.
- Nobel—Dynamite.
- Oliver Lodge—Physicist. Researches in wireless communications.
- Oppenheimer—Researches in atomic theory.
- Otto Hahn—Discovery of uranium fission.
- Parkes—Celluloid.
- Parsons—Steam turbine.
- Pavlov—Theory of Conditioned Reflex.
- Perkin—‘Mauve dye’.
- Pitman—Founded the Pitman system of phonographic shorthand.
- Planck—Quantum theory.
- Plimsoll—Introduced a line of demarcation on the ships beyond which the ships cannot be loaded.
- Priestley—Discovery of Oxygen.
- Raman, C.V.—“Raman Effect” on polarisation of light and theories on crystals and diamond formation.
- Ramanathan—Molecular scattering of light in fluids.
- Ramanujam—A great Indian mathematician.
- Ramsay—Discovery of Inert gases such as Argon, Neon, Helium etc.
- Ray, P.C.—Researches in chemistry.
- Regnault—Experiments in regard to the physical properties of bodies and their relation to heat.
- Roger Bacon—Gun powder.
- Rontgen—Discovery of X-rays.
- Rohmkorff—Induction coil.
- Rutherford—Atomic Research; succeeded in splitting the atom for the first time in 1918. Shalimar—Paints.
- Stephenson—British engineer and pioneer in Railways. He was the first to put a locomotive on the line that was able to draw a train of 31 carriages.
- Thomson, J.J.—Discovered electron.
- Travers—Discovery of Neon gas (Working with Ramsay).
- Urey—Discovery of Heavy Hydrogen.
- Volta—Current electricity and electric battery.
- Pioneers in Mechanical Inventions and Discoveries
- Austin—Motor Car.
- Bell, Graham—Telephone.
- Berliner—Microphone.