Pioneer In Science Exercise 03
Pioneer In Science Exercise 03
- Brequet—Helicopter.
- Bushwell—Submarine.
- Caxton—Printing Press.
- Colt—Revolver.
- Daimler—Gas engine.
- Davy—Miner’s Safety Lamp.
- Diesel—Internal Combustion engine (Diesel engine).
- Dunlop—Pneumatic tyre.
- Edison—First electric bulb and gramophone.
- Faraday—Dynamo.
- Fick—Law of Diffusion—Fick’s Law.
- Frank Whittle—Jet propulsion.
- Fulton—Stream boat.
- Galileo—Telescope.
- Gillette—Safety razor.
- Guttenburg—Art of Printing.
- Hoe—Rotary Printing Press.
- Howe—Sewing Machine.
- Huygens—Pendulum clock.
- James Watt—Steam engine (patented in 1769).
- Landstrom, J.E.—Safety Matches.
- Macmillan—Bicycle (1842).
- Mauser—Magazine of rifle.
- Mercator—Celestial and a terrestrial globe.
- Montgolfier—Balloon (1883)
- Pascal—Calculating Machine.
- Puckle, James—Machine gun
- Shockley—Transistor.
- Sholes—Typewriter.
- Stephenson—Railway engine.
- Swinton—Military tank.
- Torricelli—Barometer.
- Watt, Robert Watson—Radar.
- W. & O. Wright (Wright Brothers)—Aeroplane (1903).
- Waterman—Fountain pen.
- Zeiss—Lenses; Camera.
- Pioneers in Medical Inventions and Discoveries
- Banting—Insulin (as a palliative for diabetes).
- Barnard, Christian—Replacing the human heart.
- Brahmchari, U.M.—Cure of Kala-a-zar fever.
- Davy—Isolation of metals by electricity; studied properties of chlorine.
- Domagk—Sulpha drugs as bactericides.
- Eijkman—Cause of Beri-Beri.
- Finsen—Discovered curative effect of ultra violet rays; photography.
- Fleming, Alexander—Penicillin (in 1929).
- Harvey—Circulation of blood.
- Hahnemann—Homoeopathy (founder).
- Hopkins, Frederick Gowland—Vitamin D.
- Jenner—Smallpox Vaccination.
- Koch—Tubercle Bacillus.
- Lainnec—Stethoscope.
- Lister, Lord—Antiseptic treatment.
- Pasteur, Louis—Treatment of rabies; cure of hydrophobia.
- Ronald Ross—Malaria Parasite.
- Salk, Jonas E.—Anti-polio Vaccine.
- Simpson and Harrison—Chloroform.
- Waksman—Streptomycin.