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Lecturer Of Education Past Paper (6) Important Multiple Choice Question For PPSC & FPSC Exams

Lecturer Of Education Past Paper (6) Important 

Multiple Choice Question For PPSC & FPSC Exams

Curriculum organization used for different concepts at the same class is?
A. Vertical
B. Horizontal
C. Logical
D. None
Answer is = B
The category of Audio Visual Aids is?
A. Radio
B. Television
C. Tape recorder
D. All of these
Answer is = D
Major concern of curriculum is?
A. Personal satisfaction
B. Change in individuals behavior
C. Preparation for service
D. None
Answer is = B
The importance of curriculum in the system of education is just like a?
A. Constitution in a country
B. Provision of latest knowledge
C. Preparation of students for service
D. None
Answer is = A
Curriculum is supposed to?
A. Achieve the objectives
B. Be organized by the school
C. Both
D. None
Answer is = C
Curriculum reflects the culture of?
A. Society
B. Home
C. School
D. Area
Answer is = A
A. Learning means?
B. Change in behavior
C. Teaching process
D. Curriculum
E. None
Answer is = A
The outline of the contents is?
A. Course
B. Syllabus
C. Programe
D. All above
Answer is = B
Component of curriculum is?
A. Evaluation
B. Objectives
C. Teaching strategies
D. All
Answer is = D
Models of curriculum presently being used at any stage in Pakistan is?
A. Activity
B. Subject
C. Integrated
D. All of above
Answer is = D
The selection of the particular design is influenced by?
A. Types
B. Elements
C. Foundation
D. Principle
Answer is = C
Intelligence level of gifted student is?
A. 140 and above
B. 110
C. 90
D. None
Answer is = A
The scope of curriculum include
A. Programme of studies
B. Programme of Activites
C. Programme of Guidance
D. All
Answer is = D
The concise Oxford Dictionary defines curriculum as a?
A. Course of learning
B. Chariot race course
C. Course of study
D. None
Answer is = B
The model of curriculum could not move above elementary stage is?
A. Core curriculum
B. Activity curriculum
C. Subject curriculum
D. None
Answer is = B
Detailed contents of the subjects for a class are called?
A. Course
B. Behavior
C. Design
D. Logical sequence
Answer is =A
A curriculum is the sum total of a school efforts to influence a child?
A. Course
B. Behavior
C. Design
D. Logical sequence
Answer is = B
Percentage of knowledge gained through observation is?
A. 75 %
B. 50 %
C. 34%
D. None
Answer is = A
The base on which the subject activities and experience are planned is called?
A. Course
B. Behavior
C. Design
D. Logical sequence
Answer is = C
Keeping in view the types of students in a class are generally grouped as?
A. Average
B. Below average
C. Above average
D. All
Answer is = D
Logical order of content organization is to arrange the content according to?
A. Course
B. Behavior
C. Design
D. Logical sequence
Answer is = D
Summative evaluation takes place?
A. In the beginning
B. At the end
C. In the middle
D. None
Answer is = B
Without suitable curriculum, aims of education
A. Can be achieved
B. Cannot be achieved
C. Can be changed
D. None
Answer is = B
How many basic components of curriculum have?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8
Answer is = B
Curriculum development refers to the total process of curriculum?
A. Designing
B. Implementing
C. Evaluating
D. All
Answer is = D
Which one is not the component of the curriculum?
A. Design
B. Evaluation
C. Curriculum design
D. Abilities
Answer is = A
Effectiveness of curriculum is determined by?
A. Design
B. Evaluation
C. Curriculum design
D. Abilities
Answer is = B
The arrangement of the elements of curriculum can be defined as?
A. Design
B. Evaluation
C. Curriculum design
D. Abilities
Answer is = C
The term “core curriculum” is sometimes simply called?
A. Core
B. Code
C. Cope
D. None
Answer is = A
The method used to evaluate the curriculum is?
A. Formative Evaluation
B. Summative Evaluation
C. Diagnostic Evaluation
D. A B C
Answer is = D
On way of finding out, what is going on in a class room is?
A. Observation
B. Education psychology
C. Foundation of curriculum
D. Is the purpose of life?
Answer is = A
When, what, why and How, to teach is the main task of?
A. Observation
B. Education psychology
C. Foundation of curriculum
D. Is the purpose of life?
Answer is = B
The forces that effect the development of curriculum are called?
A. Observation
B. Education psychology
C. Foundation of curriculum
D. Is the purpose of life?
Answer is = C
Philosophy and curriculum are concerned with the question of what?
A. Observation
B. Education psychology
C. Foundation of curriculum
D. Is the purpose of life?
Answer is = D