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Political Science Multiple Choice Past Paper (4) Important Question For PPSC , FPSC, NTS And Various Exams

Political Science Multiple Choice Past Paper (4) 

Important Question For PPSC , FPSC, NTS And 

Various Exams

1- The main book which presents the Montesquieu’s philosophy:
a) the Persian letters
b) Prince
c) The spirit of Law
d) None of these
2- Leviathan is a book written by:
a) Rousseau
b) locke
c) Hobbes
d) None of these
3- Al-Farabi translated the work of:
a) Aristotle
b) Plato
c) Montequieu
d) none of these
4- Al-Farabi made everlasting contribution to:
a) Political thought
b) Sociology
c) History
d) none of these
5- Al-Ghazali was appointed in Nizamia College as a professor of:
a) Theology
b) Sociology
c) economics
d) none of these
6- Asbiyah was the term used by:
a) Turkish
b) Spanish
c) Arabs
d) none
7- ” The economics is the factor causing revolutions, movements or wars” is the claim of:
a) Mao
b) Karl Marx
c) lenin
d) none
8- Dr. Iqbal graduated in the year of:
a) 1887
b) 1889
c) 1885
d) none
9- Jean Bodin presented the concept of sovereignty in the book of:
a) Republic
b) Lectures on jurisprudence
c) Republica
d) none
10- According to which view, the law and libert are opposite to each other:
a) Liberalism
b) Communism
c) Individualism
d) none
11- The term “elite” was first began to use in:
a) France and Germany
b) U.K and U.S
c) U.S and U.S.S.R
d) none
12- The constitution is not written and rigid in:
a) Confedration
b) Federation
c) Unitary state
d) none
13- A voluntary union of sovereign and independent states is called:
a) Confedration
b) Federation
c) Unitary state
d) none
14- Reconstruction of Religious Thoughts in Islam is written by:
a) Ibn-e-Khaldun
b) Allama Iqbal
c) Syed Amir Ali
d) none
15- According to Aristotle, tyranny is the perverted form of:
a) Democracy
b) Aristocracy
c) Monarchy
d) none
16- Despotism means:
a) Rule of individual based on law
b) Rule of individual without law
c) Democracy
d) none
17- Mechiavelli was a:
a) Republican
b) Monarchist
c) Aristocrate
d) none
18- The regimes, like Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Soveit Union under Stalin are example of:
a) Authoritarian rule
b) Totalitarian rule
c) liberal democracy
d) none
19- The distinction between the parliamentary and presedential political system depends upon the
relationship between:
a) legislature & executive
b) P.M & Presidnet
c) P.M & his cabinet
d) none
20- Who said, ” Law is the command of sovereign”?
a) Jean Bodin
b) John Austin
c) Rousseau
d) none

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