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Analytical Symbols

Analytical Symbols

 To solve analytical games easily and within the time allotted, one must use maximum
symbols and other notations as possible.
• Always use only “Capital letter” to represent the name of any persons, colors, trees, cities
• Try to use a number instead of the whole name for series like consecutive days, month.
 For example. Days Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Numbering 1 2 3 4 5 6
• In the below table, some symbols are mostly used in analytical games.
Symbols Meaning Expression How to read
→ If – then-- A → B If A select for a group then B must be select with
A. and if B select for a group then A maybe
select but not compulsory for selection.

If --- then--- A ↔ B
A = B

If A select for a group then B must be select
with A and if B select for a group then A must
be select with B. If A cannot join any specific
group then B also cannot join that group and
similarly, if B cannot join any specific group
then A also cannot join that group. A = B
never shown that they are equal in value but
only shown that they are in the same group.

≠ Not with
Or Not

A ≠ B
A ≠ 5

If A select for a group then B cannot select for
that group and similarly if B select for a group
then A cannot select for that group.
A ≠ 5 mean A cannot occupy the fifth position
when arrange the A in linear analytical games.
/ Or A → B/C If A select for a group then one of B or C must
be select. Sometimes both B and C can select with A and sometimes only one of B and C can

select with A, depending on the Rule condition
+ Add A = B + 1 This notation only use on Linear or Sequence
Analytical Games.
It means A will occupy a position immediately
after B position.
± Add or Subtract A = B ± 1 It means A will occupy position immediately
after or immediately before the position which
is occupy by B.
< On lower position A < B It mean, A occupy lower position than the
the position which is occupied by B
AG If—in—then---- AG → BR

Here small G show Green team and small R
show Red team. And AG → BR, it means if A
select for Green team than B must select for
Red team.

& And (A & B)
→ C

It mean, if both A and B select for one group
then C also join the same group.

Analytical Logics
1 If A select then B must be select. A → B,

 For Example, if there is raining then definitely, there are clouds because raining cannot be
start without clouds. So there are many cases in which if one comes to know the existence of one element then the existence of the second element is also proved. Like if there is raining then it could also, exist. But if there are clouds then raining maybe fall but not compulsory. So, If A select then B must select, but if B select then A may be select or not.
And if one comes to know that there are no clouds then definitely there is not raining. So, If B cannot
select then A cannot select.

• If A select then B must be select. A → B
• If B select then A may be select or not. B →A or not select.
• If B does not select then A cannot select. ~B → ~A

 Symbol “~” shown for “NOT”.

2. If A select then B cannot select. A → ~B

 Now if B select then A also cannot select. B → ~A
 Then we simply write as A ≠ B
 Both A and B cannot join the same group.

3. If A select then B must select. A → B
 And if B select then A must select. B → A
 Then A = B
 Both A and B must join the same group.

• If A select then B must select. A → B
• If B select then C cannot select. B → ~ C
• Then both A and C cannot join the same group. A ≠ C
 See below for detail.

 Possibility Group True/False
 1 A B C False as statement 2
 2 A C False as statement 1
 3 B C False as statement 2
 4 A B True
 5 C True

In above all the possibility in which both A and C join the group are wrong, so both A and C cannot
join the group. Or A ≠ C

• If A select then B must select. A → B
• If B select then C must select. B → C
• Then if A and C must select. A → C
 See below for detail.

 Possibility Group True/False
 1 A B C True
 2 A C False as statement 1
 3 B C True
 4 A B False as statement 2
 5 C True

In above all the possibility in which A select and C not join with A are wrong, so if A select then C
must select with A. Or A = C


• For a group, only two members are remaining for group completion and two members will
be select from a total of three available(A, B, C) person.
• If A select then B must select.
• Then B must be select and one of A and C can select for that group.
See below for detail.
Group Remaining Members = 2 Available Persons = A, B, C
Group Remaining Member True/False
1 2
A B True
A C False as statement 2
B C True
In above all the possibility in which B not select are wrong. So in the above case B must be select.

• For a group, only two members are remaining for group completion and two members will
be select from a total of three available(A, B, C) person.
• If A select then B must select and if B select then A must select.
• Then A and B must be select and C cannot select for that group.
See below for detail.

Group Remaining Members = 2 Available Persons = A, B, C
Group Remaining Member True/False
1 2
A B True
A C False as statement 2
B C False as statement 2

In above all the possibility in which both A and B not select are wrong. So in the above case both A
and B must be select and C cannot select.


• For a group, only two members are remaining for group completion and two members will
be select from a total of three available(A, B, C) person.
• If A select then B cannot select.
• Then C must select and one of A and B will be select for that group.
See below for detail.

Group Remaining Members = 2 Available Persons = A, B, C
Group Remaining Member True/False
1 2
A B False as statement 2
A C True
B C True

In above all the possibilities in which C not select are wrong. So in the above case, C must select and one
of A and B can select but not both.


• For a group, only one member is remaining for group completion and one member will be
select from a total of three available(A, B, C) person.
• If A select then B must select and if B select then A must select.
• Then C must select and none of A and B will be select for that group.
See below for detail.

Group Remaining Members = 1 Available Persons = A, B, C
Group Remaining Member True/False
 A False as statement 2
 B False as statement 2
 C True
 A B False as statement 1
 C A False as statement 1

In above all the possibility in which C not select alone is wrong, so in the above case, C must select
alone and none of A and B select.


• For a group, only one member is remaining for group completion and one member will be
select from a total of three available(A, B, C) person.
• If A select then B must select.
• Then A cannot select for a group and one of B and C can select for the group.
See below for detail.
Group Remaining Members = 1 Available Persons = A, B, C
Group Remaining Member True/False
 A False as statement 2
 B True
 C True
 A B False as statement 1
 C A False as statement 1

In above all the possibility in which A select alone is wrong, so in the above case A not select for
group and one of B and C will be select.

11. If A select then B or C must select but not both. A → B/C
Then B cannot select with C. B ≠ C

• On position, if there is only a single position is remaining.
• A must occupy position immediately after the B. A = B +1
• Then B and A both cannot occupy that single position.
See below for detail.
Let there are five consecutive chairs, and C must sit on the fourth chair. C = 4
 And A must sit on a chair after the immediate chair on which B sits. A = B + 1
Options Chairs 1 2 3 4 5 True/False
1 B C A False as statement 2
2 A C B False as statement 2
3 A B C True

In above all the options in which A or B occupy single remaining fifth position are wrong, so in
above case A or B not occupy that single remaining position.


• On position, if there are two consecutive positions are remaining. 
• A cannot occupy a position immediately after the position which is occupied by B. or A ≠ B + 1
• Then only one of A and B occupy one position of that two consecutive positions.
• If A occupy position which is immediately after or before the position on which occupy by
B. or A = B ± 1
• And C occupies a position which is immediately after or before the position on which occupy
by B. or C = B ± 1


• Then A = C ± 2
• And A, B, C cannot occupy any single position
• And A, B, C cannot occupy any double position
• A must occupy position immediately after the position which is occupied by B.
• Then A cannot occupy the last position.
• And B cannot occupy the first position.
If A = B +1
Then A ≠ n (last position)
And B ≠ 1 (First position)
• A must occupy position immediately after the position which is occupied by B.
• C occupies the fourth position.
• Then A cannot occupy the third position.
• And B cannot occupy the fifth position.
 If A = B + 1 and C = 4
 Then A ≠ 3 and B ≠ 5

17 If A < B and B < C
 Then A < C
See below for detail

Options 1 2 3 4 5 True/False
1 A B C True
2 B C A False because of A < B
3 C A B False because of B < C

In above all the options in which A occupy a higher position than the position which occupies by C are
wrong, So in the above case, A must occupy a lower position than the position which is occupied by C. or 
A < C

18 If A < B and A = C ± 1
 Then C < B
See below for detail

Options 1 2 3 4 5 True/False
1 A B C False because of A = C ± 1
2 B C A False because of A < B
3 C A B True
4 A C B True

In above all the options in which C occupy a higher position than the position which occupies by B are
wrong, So in the above case, C must occupy a lower position than the position which is occupied by B. or 
C < B


• A occupy lower position then the position which is occupied by B, or A  < B
• Then A cannot occupy the last position.
• And B cannot occupy the first position.


If A < B
Then A ≠ n (last position)
And B ≠ 1 (First position)


• A occupy lower position then the position which is occupied by B, or A  < B
• C occupies the fourth position.
• Then A cannot occupy the third position.
• And B cannot occupy the fifth position.

 If A < B and C = 4
 Then A ≠ 3 and B ≠ 5

Most Important Types of Questions and How to Solve 
1. Acceptable/ Possible Schedule or Group
In this question, five options are given of possible group or schedule and asking about select one
option which is correct. For example, the first question of the above analytical game,

1. Which of the following is an acceptable schedule of tasks for the week?
 Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat.
(A) J K M N O L
(B) J N L O M K
(C) K O M N L J
(D) M O J N K L
(E) O J M N L K

For a solution to this question, one must take the Basic Rule and search which option not follow
Basic Rule and cut the option or options which not follow Basic Rule. Now take another Rule and
search which remaining option or options not follow the Rule and cross the option which not follow
Rule. Similarly, check all the Rules unless only one option remains and that option will be
the correct answer. 

2. It must be True.
In this type of question, question consist one condition and then asking what must be true, this is
most asking question. For example, question No 4, 5 and 7.
4. If O is completed on Monday, which of the following must be true?
(E) J is completed sometime before K.
(F) J is completed sometime before N.
(G) K is completed sometime before L.
(H) N is completed sometime before K.
(E) N is completed sometime before L.


If O is completed on Monday, is a question condition.

 For a solution to this type of question, mostly student look at each option and decide either it is
true or not, but this way is difficult and time-consuming. One must make some conclusion and then
look the options and select one that is according to a conclusion. How a conclusion made? First, draw
group or schedule, now take the question condition, then see the Rule which is related to the question
condition and try to complete a group or schedule. 

3. Could be True
 This type of question is similar to the second type of question only with a little bit difference
that drawing conclusions may have more than one option. For Example, 

3. If K is completed on Wednesday, which of the following could be true?
 (A) J is completed on Tuesday.
 (B) L is completed on Monday.
(C) L is completed on Friday.
(D) M is completed on Monday.
(E) O is completed on Thursday.

 Same solution as second type of question.
4. New Rule
 This type of question does not consist of any condition and just asking “what must be true”
For example,
2. Any of the following could be completed on Saturday EXCEPT
 (A) J
(B) K
(C) L
(E) O

 For a solution to this type of question, Make a new relationship by combining two or more
Relationship rules and sometimes New Rule can be made by combining the Basic Rule and
Relationship Rule.

How to answer the Question
1st Step Mostly question consist of one condition regarding one element (person, boy, student,
box, tree, chair, etc).
2nd Step Now look the Relationship Rule which is related to a given element and then finding
the position of the second element.
3rd Step Now look the Relationship Rule which is related to the second element and then finding
the position of the third element.

In this way, you will be able to draw a clear conclusion and then see the question option and select
one which is relevant to the conclusion. 
For Example,
4. If O is completed on Monday, which of the following must be true?
 (A) J is completed sometime before K.
 (B) J is completed sometime before N.
 (C) K is completed sometime before L.
 (D) N is completed sometime before K.
(E) N is completed sometime before L.

Here, O = 1 is question condition, now see Basic and Relationship Rule which is related to O

 1 2 3 4 5 6


As Rule III, N must complete on Thursday, so

 1 2 3 4 5 6
 O N
As Rule II, M = O ± 1, now O = 1, then M = 0 or 2, M ≠ 0, so M must at Tuesday, then

 1 2 3 4 5 6
 O M N
Now take Rule I, J < L, and Remaining K, there are three options

 1 2 3 4 5 6
Option 1 O M J N L K
Option 2 O M J N K L
Option 3 O M K N J L

Now check the question options and select one which is correctly described above conclusion

Choice E is correct, as N always completed before L in all three options.