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Logical Reasoning Multiple Choice Test

Logical Reasoning Multiple Choice Test

Logical Reasoning

A complete dinner at Food Street in Khanewal costs Rs. 500. A similarly delicious dinner in Tabbak Tikka Shop costs Rs. 300. Tabbak has a greater net profit than the Food Street restaurant. The only explanation for this is that the restaurant in Food Steet is poorly managed.

The author’s argument would be weakened if attention were drawn to the fact that
A. The Owner Of The Food Street Restaurant Are Known To Be Very Greedy
B. Tabbak Takes A Loss On Every Dinner It Sells
C. Tabbak Uses Low Quality Meats
D. There Is Much Higher Overhead At The Food Steet Restaurant
E. At Tabbak, Two Drinks Are Included In The Price Of The Meal
Correct Answer C
The author’s argument leads us to the conclusion that the restaurant on Food Street is poorly managed. However, if we can find a reason why the restaurant charges more for a dinner but still has a smaller net profit than the Tabbak, we can weaken the author’s argument. Of the five choices, only Choice C explains the restaurant hight prices but small net proft. Choice E strengthens the author’s conclusion, as does Choice B. Choice D is contradicted by the passage which states that the meals are similarly delicious. Choice A is irrelevant.

Which of the following comes closest to being a factual statement?
A. Student: “Our Whole Political System Is Corrupt”
B. Doctor: “The Price Of Petrol Is Bound To Increase”
C. Accountant: “Cigarette Smoking May Be Hazardous To Your Health
D. Carpenter: “These Are The Most Comfortable Chairs We Make”
E. Coin Collector: “Fewer Than Ten Of These Silver Coins Were Minted In The Year 1947.
Correct Answer E
The answer to this question is clearly Choice E. Only the coin collector makes a factual statement---on the number of coins of a specific type minted in a certain year. The remaining people present opinions, which however qualified, cannot be established empirically.

How much longer must we obey to our cruel, malicious dictator?
I. All type of cigarettes cause cancer
II. “Dr. Nut” is the name of a new brand of cigarette
We can infer from the above statements that
A. Cancer Killed “Dr. Nut”
B. “Dr. Nut” Causes Cancer
C. Anyone With Cancer Takes “Dr. Nut”
D. Nobody Who Regularly Smoke Gets Cancer
E. People With Cancer Prefer “Dr. Nut” Over Other Cigarettes
Correct Answer B
This logical exercise involves a syllogism, in which we are given two premises and told to deduce the conclusion. Since all cigarettes cause cancer and “Dr. Nut” is the member of cigarette brands, then “Dr. Nut” by implication causes cancer. The correct answer is Choice B. Choice A is a trick answer, offered just to make sure that the premises were understood, whereas Choice C, D, and E present conclusions that may not be deduced from the premises.

In considering the logical features of the preceding question,which of the following question is most similar to the above question?
A. Why Don’t You Stop Picking On Your Little Brother?
B. How Long Do We Have To Obey Our Parents?
C. Would Not You Feel More Comfortable In A Democracy Than In Our Monarchy?
D. Don’t You Think There Are A Time And A Place For Everything?
E. Why Do We Keep Working For That Neurotic Employer?
Correct Answer E
The question focuses on a group of people wherein one person asks how long the group must obey an authority figure. Notice that there is a negative connotation here. This question most closely resembles the question in Choice E. Since a cruel dictator is more analogous to a neurotic employer than to a parent, Choice B is incorrect. Choice C does question the effect of the dictatorship but choice is not analogous to the original question. Choices A and D are incorrect because they don’t involve an authority figure, nor do they show disrespect for that figure.

It is well known that the world urgently needs adequate distribution of food, so that everyone gets enough. Adequate distribution of medicine is just as urgent. Medical expertise and medical supplies need to be redistributed throughout the world so that people in emerging nations will have proper medical care.

This paragraph best supports the statement that
A. The Majority Of The People In The World Have Never Been Seen By A Doctor.
B. Food Production In Emerging Nations Has Slowed During The Past Several Years.
C. Most Of The World’s Doctors Are Selfish About Giving Time And Money To The Poor.
D. The Medical-Supply Industry Should Step Up Production Of Its Products.
E. Many People Who Live In Emerging Nations Are Not Receiving Proper Medical Care.
Correct Answer E
This answer is implied by the statement that redistribution is needed so that people in emerging nations can have proper medical care. Choices a, b, and c are not mentioned in the passage. Choice d is also incorrect—the passage indicates that the distribution of medicine, not its production, is inadequate.

One of the warmest winters on record has put consumers in the mood to spend money. Spending is likely to be the strongest in thirteen years. During the month of February, sales of existing single-family homes hit an annual record rate of 4.75 million.

This paragraph best supports the statement that
A. Consumer Spending Will Be Higher Thirteen Years From Now Than It Is Today.
B. More People Buy Houses In The Month Of February Than In Any Other Month.
C. During The Winter Months, The Prices Of Single-Family Homes Are The Lowest.
D. There Were About 4 Million Homes For Sale During The Month Of February.
E. Warm Winter Weather Is Likely To Affect The Rate Of Home Sales.
Correct Answer E
This is clearly the best answer because the paragraph directly states that warm weather affects consumers’ inclination to spend. It furthers states that the sales of single-family homes was at an all-time high. There is no support for choice a or c. Choice b is wrong because even though there were high sales for a particular February, this does not mean that sales are not higher in other months. Choice d presents a misleading figure of 4 million. The paragraph states that the record of 4.75 million was at an annual, not a monthly, rate.

If you’re a fitness walker, there is no need for a commute to a health club. Your neighborhood can be your health club. You don’t need a lot of fancy equipment to get a good workout either. All you need is a well-designed pair of athletic shoes.

This paragraph best supports the statement that
A. Fitness Walking Is A Better Form Of Exercise Than Weight Lifting.
B. A Membership In A Health Club Is A Poor Investment.
C. Walking Outdoors Provides A Better Workout Than Walking Indoors.
D. Fitness Walking Is A Convenient And Valuable Form Of Exercise.
E. Poorly Designed Athletic Shoes Can Cause Major Foot Injuries.
Correct Answer D
By stating that fitness walking does not require a commute to a health club, the author stresses the convenience of this form of exercise. The paragraph also states that fitness walking will result in a good workout. Choice a is incorrect because no comparison to weight lifting is made. Choice b may seem like a logical answer, but the paragraph only refers to people who are fitness walkers, so for others, a health club might be a good investment. Choice c is not in the passage. Although choice e seems logical, the paragraph does not indicate that the wrong shoes will produce major injuries.

The criminal justice system needs to change. The system could be more just if it allowed victims the opportunity to confront the person who has harmed them. Also, mediation between victims and their offenders would give the offenders a chance to apologize for the harm they have done.

This paragraph best supports the statement that victims of a crime should
A. Learn To Forgive Their Offenders.
B. Have The Right To Confront Their Offenders.
C. Learn The Art Of Mediation.
D. Insist That Their Offenders Be Punished.
E. Have The Right To Impose A Sentence On Their Offenders.
Correct Answer B
This answer is clearly stated in the first sentence of the paragraph. There is no support in the passage for choices a, d, or e. As for choice c, although mediation is mentioned, the statement does not indicate that victims should be the mediators.

In the past, consumers would rarely walk into an ice cream store and order low-fat ice cream. But that isn’t the case today. An increasing health consciousness combined with a much bigger selection of tasty low-fat foods in all categories has made low-fat ice cream a very profitable item for ice cream store owners.

This paragraph best supports the statement that
A. Low-Fat Ice Cream Produces More Revenue Than Other Low-Fat Foods.
B. Ice Cream Store Owners Would Be Better Off Carrying Only Low-Fat Ice Cream.
C. Ice Cream Store Owners No Longer Think That Low-Fat Ice Cream Is An Unpopular Item.
D. Low-Fat Ice Cream Is More Popular Than Other Kinds Of Ice Cream.
E. Consumers Are Fickle And It Is Impossible To Please Them.
Correct Answer  C
This choice is supported as the best answer because the paragraph indicates that low-fat ice cream was once an unpopular item, but now, because consumers are more health conscious and because there is a wider array of tasty low-fat foods, low-fat ice cream is a profitable item for ice cream store owners. There is no indication that choices a, b, d, or e are true based on the information given.

A few states in this country are considering legislation that would prohibit schools from using calculators before the sixth grade. Other states take a different position. Some states are insisting on the purchase of graphing calculators for every student in middle school.

This paragraph best supports the statement that in this country
A. There Are At Least Two Opinions About The Use Of Calculators In Schools.
B. Calculators Are Frequently A Detriment To Learning Math.
C. State Legislators Are More Involved In Education Than Ever Before.
D. The Price Of Graphing Calculators Is Less When Schools Buy In Bulk.
E. The Argument Against Calculators In Schools Is Unfounded.
Correct Answer A
The paragraph clearly states that there are two differing opinions with regard to the use of calculators in the classroom. Although some people may believe that choice b is true, the paragraph does not indicate this. Choice c has no relation to the paragraph. Choice d makes logical sense, but the paragraph says nothing about cost. Choice e is an opinion that is not given in the paragraph.