Earth's outer layer of surface soil or crust is called the ____?
Answer: lithosphere
Fault zone in California stretching north west for about 1000 km (about 600 mi),
from the Imperial Valley in Southern California to Point Arena on the northern
coast & out to sea?
Answer: San Andrea's fault
New Zealand's oldest rocks are over ____ old?
Answer: 500 million years
Peat, lignite and bituminous are types of ____?
Answer: coal
Slate is formed by the metamorphosis of ____?
Answer: shale
The green variety of beryl is called ____?
Answer: emerald
The molten material from a volcano is ____?
Answer: lava
The spot on the Earth's surface directly above an earthquake's focus is called the ____?
Answer: epicenter
The violet variety of quartz is called ____?
Answer: amethyst
These limestone deposits rise from the floor of caves?
Answer: stalagmites
This is the hardest naturally occurring substance?
Answer: diamond
What is the highest active volcano in the world?
Answer: Cotopaxi
What is the most reliable geyser in the world?
Answer: Old Faithful
What is the name of the layer between the Earth's crust and the Earth's core?
Answer: Mantle
What name is given to the point where a river starts?
Answer: Source
What name is given to the point where two rivers join?
Answer: Confluence
What name is given to the single super-continent that existed 200 million years ago?
Answer: Pangaea
What name is used to describe permanently-frozen subsoil?
Answer: permafrost
What type of rock is marble?
Answer: metamorphic
Which river made The Grand Canyon?
Answer: Colorado