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Python Comment

Python Comment

In Python, you can use the `#` symbol to add comments. Anything following the `#` on a line is considered a comment and is ignored by the Python interpreter.

In Python, there are two main types of comments:

1. Single-line comments: 

These begin with the hash symbol `#` and extend to the end of the line. They are used for adding explanations or notes within the code.



   # This is a single-line comment

   variable = 42 # This comment is at the end of a line


2. Multi-line comments: 

Unlike some other programming languages, Python does not have a specific syntax for multi-line comments. However, you can use triple-quotes (`'''` or `"""`) to create multi-line strings, and these are often used as a workaround for multi-line comments.




   This is a multi-line comment using triple-quotes.

   It serves a similar purpose.




   Another way to create a

   multi-line comment.



Keep in mind that while multi-line strings can act as comments, they are actually string literals and may have some impact on your code, depending on their placement. Single-line comments are generally preferred for commenting out code.

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