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Python Data Types


Python Data Types

Python supports various data types, including:

1. Numeric Types:

   - `int`: Integer type (e.g., 5, -3).

   - `float`: Floating-point type (e.g., 3.14, -0.5).

2. Sequence Types:

   - `str`: String type (e.g., 'hello', "world").

   - `list`: List type (e.g., [1, 2, 3]).

   - `tuple`: Tuple type (e.g., (1, 2, 3)).

3. Set Types:

   - `set`: Unordered collection of unique elements (e.g., {1, 2, 3}).

4. Mapping Type:

   - `dict`: Dictionary type (e.g., {'key': 'value'}).

5. Boolean Type:

   - `bool`: Boolean type, representing True or False.

6. None Type:

   - `None`: Special type representing the absence of a value.

7. Binary Types:

   - `bytes`: Immutable sequence of bytes (e.g., b'hello').

   - `bytearray`: Mutable sequence of bytes.

These data types provide flexibility for handling different kinds of data in Python.

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