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Python Functions

Python Functions

In Python, a function is a reusable block of code that performs a specific task. Functions help in organizing code, making it more readable and modular. 

Here's a simple explanation with examples:

1. Function Definition:


def greet(name):

    """This function greets the person passed in as a parameter."""

    print(f"Hello, {name}!")

# Example usage:



In this example, `greet` is a function that takes a parameter `name` and prints a greeting.

2. Return Statement:


def add(a, b):

    """This function adds two numbers and returns the result."""

    sum_result = a + b

    return sum_result

# Example usage:

result = add(3, 5)



The `add` function adds two numbers and returns the result, which is then printed.

3. Default Parameters:


def power(base, exponent=2):

    """This function raises the base to the power of the exponent."""

    result = base ** exponent

    return result

# Example usage:

result1 = power(3)

result2 = power(2, 4)

print(result1, result2)


The `power` function has a default value for `exponent`, which is 2 if not provided.

4. Keyword Arguments:


def person_info(name, age, city):

    """This function prints information about a person."""

    print(f"Name: {name}, Age: {age}, City: {city}")

# Example usage:

person_info(name="Bob", age=30, city="New York")


You can provide arguments by specifying the parameter names, making the code more readable.

5. Variable Scope:


def modify_variable():

    """This function demonstrates variable scope."""

    x = 10 # Local variable

    print(f"Inside function: x = {x}")

x = 5 # Global variable


print(f"Outside function: x = {x}")


The variable `x` inside the function is local, and it doesn't affect the global variable `x`.

These are basic examples, and Python functions can be more complex based on your needs. Functions enhance code reusability, readability, and maintainability.

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