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Python Numbers

Python Numbers

In Python, numbers are a data type used to represent numeric values. There are mainly two types of numbers: integers (int) and floating-point numbers (float).

1. Integers (int):

Integers are whole numbers without any decimal point.



   x = 5

   y = -10


2. Floating-point numbers (float):

Floating-point numbers have decimal points or use scientific notation.



   a = 3.14

   b = 2.0


You can perform various operations with numbers, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division:


# Addition

result_addition = x + a

# Subtraction

result_subtraction = y - b

# Multiplication

result_multiplication = x * b

# Division

result_division = a / y


Python also supports complex numbers, which are written in the form `a + bj`, where `a` and `b` are real numbers, and `j` represents the imaginary unit.


z = 2 + 3j


These basic examples illustrate the use of numbers in Python.

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